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Heaven's Peak

von Miguel Estrada

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471557,930 (4.38)Keine
The beautiful resort town of Heaven's Peak is home to gorgeous landscapes and terrifying secrets. After the tragic death of his mother, teenage photographer Kevin Miller moves to a new town with his alcoholic father and eight-year-old sister in the hope of bringing the family together and starting over. However, everything changes when Kevin witnesses his sister being kidnapped by a bizarre creature. The police are skeptical of his story, so he decides to unveil the mysteries surrounding the town on his own. On the other side of the investigation, FBI agent Norman James will do anything to solve the baffling case, except believe a traumatized teenager's nonsense. Meanwhile, newscasts predict a blizzard approaching in the next couple of days, as people in the town begin to behave strangely. Will Kevin and Norman find Kevin's little sister before Heaven's Peak is consumed by darkness?… (mehr)
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I have to say I really enjoyed the story. The cover drew me in. As you get further into the book you understand how the cover goes with the story. You have people and children disappearing. The FBI gets involved. Then we have a family that has moved to Heaven's Peak. Kevin and his sister Jenny along with their father have moved to Heaven's Peak because this is where their parents met. Now that their mother is dead their dad has moved them back. Kevin and his new camera capture something to validate that things are not heavenly in Heaven's Peak. This is a horror story of the type I have not read in years. In some ways it reminded me of Stephen King's writing. However, the book definitely needed to be proofread. There were a lot of mistakes. I also hated the use of the "f-bomb". If it was a clean read and was edited for grammar mistakes it would be a book I could put on my middle grade shelves for my horror However, since I have all grades check out my book I sadly won't add it to my classroom library. I would read more by this author. Hopefully he will take what others are saying and re-edit this book. That is the only reason I didn't give it a 5 star rating. ( )
  skstiles612 | Jul 5, 2018 |
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The beautiful resort town of Heaven's Peak is home to gorgeous landscapes and terrifying secrets. After the tragic death of his mother, teenage photographer Kevin Miller moves to a new town with his alcoholic father and eight-year-old sister in the hope of bringing the family together and starting over. However, everything changes when Kevin witnesses his sister being kidnapped by a bizarre creature. The police are skeptical of his story, so he decides to unveil the mysteries surrounding the town on his own. On the other side of the investigation, FBI agent Norman James will do anything to solve the baffling case, except believe a traumatized teenager's nonsense. Meanwhile, newscasts predict a blizzard approaching in the next couple of days, as people in the town begin to behave strangely. Will Kevin and Norman find Kevin's little sister before Heaven's Peak is consumed by darkness?

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