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Divine Blood (Guardians of the Maiden Book 1)

von Beck Michaels

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A map to a place they each desire. A destiny they didn't expect. The Shadow demon nearly took everything from Dynalya Astron, and it would soon return for more. When she discovers a way to fight back, she must go on a perilous journey and risk it all for those she holds dear. Along the way, she meets Cassiel, a Celestial Prince with magic blood and wings as black as his heart. He wants nothing to do with Dyna until he learns she could lead him to a place he has been searching for all his life. But reaching their destination is not as easy as they thought, nor are they the only ones searching for it. With danger at every turn and harrowing secrets between them, the quest will require much more than determination. They must fight for what they desire-or die trying.… (mehr)
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I rated this 3.5/5⭐️! Its been awhile since I’ve read a true YA Fantasy so I wasn’t sure what to expect but I did enjoy this a lot! Divine Blood has everything you could ever want in a fantasy novel with adventure, intrigue, a bad ass female character, a sexy Celestial love interest, and tons of other magical creatures. Need I say more? The world building was done really well without being overwhelming and I can’t wait to see where the storyline takes us in the second book! Have any of you read this? What were your thoughts? ⁣

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  autumnpressley | Jan 19, 2021 |
What an enchanting story! And that cover...!

The writing is wonderfully immersive. I easily was able to picture the world and characters. One of my favorite parts was the Forbidden Forest...thick, white trunks and massive indigo leaf canopies. The undergrowth of iridescent flowers in vibrant purple, teal, and pink...absolutely beautiful imagery! The way Beck Michaels weaves words is fantastic, "Her sister's name was a rope, and she used it to scale up the walls of her panic." I just love when authors write like this.

Divine Blood is told from a few different perspectives. You get a good feel of each character's personality and their vulnerabilities. Beck definitely nailed the dynamic range of each character. There's a perfect amount of tension and sometimes even humor built into each relationship that you end up loving and rooting for each character...even when they're being an ass (-cough, cough- Cassiel).

I was so surprised by the depth of this fantasy novel. It has lovable werewolves, brooding celestials, debonair elves, demons, magic, romantic tension, morally-grey characters, and loads of action. I highly, highly recommend everyone read this!

Thank you to Beck Michaels for providing an advanced e-copy for me to read and review! I'm so very excited to get my finished copy in June. ( )
  Lea.Pearl | May 29, 2020 |
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A map to a place they each desire. A destiny they didn't expect. The Shadow demon nearly took everything from Dynalya Astron, and it would soon return for more. When she discovers a way to fight back, she must go on a perilous journey and risk it all for those she holds dear. Along the way, she meets Cassiel, a Celestial Prince with magic blood and wings as black as his heart. He wants nothing to do with Dyna until he learns she could lead him to a place he has been searching for all his life. But reaching their destination is not as easy as they thought, nor are they the only ones searching for it. With danger at every turn and harrowing secrets between them, the quest will require much more than determination. They must fight for what they desire-or die trying.

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