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Bringing Down the King

von Fiona West

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A single mom itching to expose a royal scandal. A captain determined to protect his friend's reputation. A natural enmity that doesn't account for the long, lingering looks?Brooke Everleigh's first big story is everything she'd imagined it would be, holding accountable the man who'd cursed her source with a magic kiss -none other than King Edward. She wants his head on a platter, but she'll settle for an admission of guilt and justice for his victim. Captain Saint had hoped for more time to get used to his new job as chief communications officer before getting embroiled in a scandal. Clearing his best friend's name isn't going to be easy, especially when telling the truth might mean worse trouble. Plus, the pretty blonde who's pressing things is getting under his skin-too bad she shut him down the moment they met. When Brooke's son lands in hot water at school, the school assigns the only available mentor: Captain Saint. With her son's future at stake, Brooke is forced to cooperate with a man she doesn't trust, regardless of how good-looking and good with kids might be. When the king makes it clear there's no future for his chief communication officer and the reporter who's trying to destroy his reputation, she'll have to choose between her work and the captain who's worked his way into her heart?Taking Down the King is the fourth book in the Rocky Royal Romances, a complete five-book series. If you like a sweet, enemies-to-lovers holiday romance with a twist of fantasy and a dash of suspense, one-click this romance now. This book has a guaranteed HEA; it contains mild cursing and frank discussion of adult situations, including the Me Too movement, but no open-door sex scenes. It was previously published under the title The Jinxed Journalist.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonmoranmc, AllAndAnyBooks
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Captain Saint is the communications officer for King Edward. When journalist Brooke steps into the picture to expose scandal about the king, things start to happen. Things take a turn when Saint becomes Brooke's son's mentor. They start to care about each other, but they face even more problems when the king forbids them from dating.

Things I liked

It is really nice to have a story about Captain Saint. He is one of the supporting characters in the first two books, but it is really nice to hear his story as well. The story was is easy and quick to read. It is nice that you still know most of the characters, so the story is easy to follow if you have read those. The love story itself is beautiful. It's not easy for them but that makes it more beautiful in my opinion.

All in all, I loved the story. The characters are great. The story is beautiful. It is easy to follow and it never gets boring.

* Free copy received from Book Sirens for an honest review ( )
  AllAndAnyBooks | Sep 17, 2020 |
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A single mom itching to expose a royal scandal. A captain determined to protect his friend's reputation. A natural enmity that doesn't account for the long, lingering looks?Brooke Everleigh's first big story is everything she'd imagined it would be, holding accountable the man who'd cursed her source with a magic kiss -none other than King Edward. She wants his head on a platter, but she'll settle for an admission of guilt and justice for his victim. Captain Saint had hoped for more time to get used to his new job as chief communications officer before getting embroiled in a scandal. Clearing his best friend's name isn't going to be easy, especially when telling the truth might mean worse trouble. Plus, the pretty blonde who's pressing things is getting under his skin-too bad she shut him down the moment they met. When Brooke's son lands in hot water at school, the school assigns the only available mentor: Captain Saint. With her son's future at stake, Brooke is forced to cooperate with a man she doesn't trust, regardless of how good-looking and good with kids might be. When the king makes it clear there's no future for his chief communication officer and the reporter who's trying to destroy his reputation, she'll have to choose between her work and the captain who's worked his way into her heart?Taking Down the King is the fourth book in the Rocky Royal Romances, a complete five-book series. If you like a sweet, enemies-to-lovers holiday romance with a twist of fantasy and a dash of suspense, one-click this romance now. This book has a guaranteed HEA; it contains mild cursing and frank discussion of adult situations, including the Me Too movement, but no open-door sex scenes. It was previously published under the title The Jinxed Journalist.

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