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Breathe (Hollow Ridge)

von C. L. Matthews

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You'd think five years would be enough time to cope and move on. It's not. If anything, it's given me more unrealistic ways to deal with my loss.More pain.And even worse, a woman I don't love.A woman that isn't her.I hate her.She hates me, too.My life's a mess.My heart's nonexistent.My soul was lost long ago.Worst of all, I no longer have any fucks to give.They say you find your true love after you lose your first one.I call bullshit.… (mehr)
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3.75 stars

Just like the first book, I was frustrated at parts of this book because there were plot holes or areas that lacked cohesiveness. However, just like the last book, there is a level of heartbreaking pain. There is a level of toxicity and betrayal that hurts to read. And, just like last time, it both made me angry but it made me feel. There is no mistaking that this author can write. There are times that her sentences feel like lyrics dancing(sometimes stabbing) my soul.

There are definitely hard limits for many in this book. However, if the first book was read then these won't be surprising. for myself, those are never a limit for me or something I steer away from because sometimes they add depth to the story that not only enhances it but gives insight. Where my issues were in the book were more things that were left open-ended. What was the purpose of Joey's father and the marriage? What proof did Toby have that convinced him of what Joey did? What about Lev because that really bothered me? What was the point of the chapters about Ace and Gray when they could have just waited until their own story and had those chapters as a flashback? I could go on and on but I think I got the point across that there were issues.

However, DESPITE those issues, I still was intrigued by the story. I liked certain aspects of these characters. When they were being true to each other and sweet they were swoon-worthy. Their banter was engaging and the steam was FIRE. There was no denying their connection. Even though I loved and hated this story, I cannot deny that I had no problem reading it. I have a feeling that this book will stay with me and nag at my consciousness, much like Lo and Jace, for a long while. I am hoping then that I can truly appreciate this book, despite the issues that it had. ( )
  MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
This series is just not for me.

The writing style is dramatic and the story is a train wreck.

The Hero, if we can call him that, is the other man from book 1, he and the heroine have such a toxic relationship.

It's one of those books that you read and really feel they would have been better off with other people as they have set about to hurt each other so much that there is no coming back from it.

The book deals with alcoholism and cutting, not huge detail on the cutting, it's more about the drinking.

The Hero and heroine end up married.

The book is split to past and present and jumps back and forth all the time, every few chapters, they are all marked clearly.

The Hero thinks the heroine has cheated on him and despite her denying it, he doesn't believe so he regularly has sex with other women, even sending her pictures.

Isn't he a peach??

He has all sorts of warped up issues that lead to this behaviour.

What amazes me is the heroine has a tragic story too, her father's treatment of her and she was attacked and raped with awful consequences when she was younger but
instead of her now being treasured by a man who adores her she is treated like this.

And she didn't cheat but is only with the Hero after meeting him while he gets to have loads of sex with random women, but it's okay as he thinks of his wife while he is.
When he returns even though he smells of another woman and she knows he's cheating, she lets him have sex with her too.

They regularly have hate sex, there is a lot of sex after all she can't resist when he touches her.

She finally has enough but the grovel for me isn't big enough.

There is some history from book 1 and the couple from that book appear to sort out issues with the Hero from this book.

Some intimate scenes with other women, some detail.

If you believe it.

Breadcrumbs dropped for another toxic relationship for a future story. I think I'm going to call it a day on the series.
For me some Heroes go beyond redemption. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
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You'd think five years would be enough time to cope and move on. It's not. If anything, it's given me more unrealistic ways to deal with my loss.More pain.And even worse, a woman I don't love.A woman that isn't her.I hate her.She hates me, too.My life's a mess.My heart's nonexistent.My soul was lost long ago.Worst of all, I no longer have any fucks to give.They say you find your true love after you lose your first one.I call bullshit.

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