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American Hoax: Undercover in the USA (Sort Of) / Charles Firth

von Charles Firth

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In 2005, Charles Firth travelled to the US and over a period of six months invented five fictional American characters, each of whom represent a different point of view in American politics, and sent them out into the real world to see how successful they would be.

Charles hypothesis was simple: whichever character got the furthest in America's fiercely competitive marketplace of ideas would be the victor. Would it be the conservative economist, the national security consultant, the left-liberal advertising executive, the working class white trash or the Muslim poet?

The result is a compelling tale of an Australian "outsider" (and his dubious acting skills) coming to grips with America, Americans and the American dream, by confronting real Americans with their own rhetoric. Along the way, you'll share in each character's hilarious triumphs and tragic setbacks and you'll share Charles frustration as he meets more and more real Americans who seem even more fictional than the people he has invented.

If you've ever wondered how far a conservative economist can go in the land of opportunity using Google, a fake email account and a really bad American accent, then you're a strange person - but this is the book for you.

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Charles Firth invented five commentators, basing their opinions on top hits on Google, and set out as an experiment to see if they could make it in US public debate. One of them got a lazy, plagiarised, largely nonsensical article attacking Cindy Sheehan published, and others had moderate success in being taken seriously in Internet conversation. It's a disturbing and intelligent book, but undermined by the author's apparent commitment to his comedian identity. I'd like to see Firth come out a little from behind his relentlessly Chaserian persona. ( )
  shawjonathan | Oct 31, 2007 |
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In 2005, Charles Firth travelled to the US and over a period of six months invented five fictional American characters, each of whom represent a different point of view in American politics, and sent them out into the real world to see how successful they would be.

Charles hypothesis was simple: whichever character got the furthest in America's fiercely competitive marketplace of ideas would be the victor. Would it be the conservative economist, the national security consultant, the left-liberal advertising executive, the working class white trash or the Muslim poet?

The result is a compelling tale of an Australian "outsider" (and his dubious acting skills) coming to grips with America, Americans and the American dream, by confronting real Americans with their own rhetoric. Along the way, you'll share in each character's hilarious triumphs and tragic setbacks and you'll share Charles frustration as he meets more and more real Americans who seem even more fictional than the people he has invented.

If you've ever wondered how far a conservative economist can go in the land of opportunity using Google, a fake email account and a really bad American accent, then you're a strange person - but this is the book for you.

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