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Ever Rest

von Roz Morris

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"Highly captivating, highly unusual... one of the best novels this year." (Garry Craig Powell, author, Stoning The Devil) Twenty years ago, Hugo and Ash were on top of the world. As the rock band Ashbirds they were superstars. Then Ash went missing in a mountaineering accident, and the lives of Hugo and everyone around him were changed forever. Infuriating, mesmerizing Ash left a hole they could never hope to fill. Two decades on, Ash's fianc? Elza is still struggling to move on, her private grief outshone by the glare of publicity. Hugo is now a recluse in Nepal, shunning his old life. Robert, an ambitious session player, feels himself both blessed and cursed by his brief time with Ashbirds, unable to achieve recognition in his own right. While the Ashbirds legend burns brighter than ever, Elza, Hugo and Robert are as stranded as if they were the ones lost in the ice. How far must they go to come back to life? A lyrical, compelling novel, Ever Rest asks how we carry on after catastrophic loss. It will strike a chord with fans of Taylor Jenkins Reid's Daisy Jones for its people bonded by an unforgettable time; fans of Ann Patchett's Bel Canto, for music as a primal and romantic force; and Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air for the wildernesses that surround our comfortable world. About the author Roz Morris's fiction has sold more than 4 million copies worldwide, ghostwritten for high-profile authors. She is now writing acclaimed fiction and memoirs as herself - My Memories of a Future Life, Lifeform Three and Ever Rest, and the travel diary Not Quite Lost. She is also the author of the Nail Your Novel series for writers. She teaches writing masterclasses for The Guardian in London.… (mehr)
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Disclaimer – I received e-copy of this book from the author, in exchange for review. Many thanks to author.

Ever Rest was beautifully written Literary fiction that revolved around a famous pop star’s death that changed band members’ life.

The story was about fame, music industry, struggle, band politics, grief, loss, guilt, presumptions, paparazzi, loyalty, betrayal, friendship, and mountaineering life.

This was very much different from what usually read. So it took time for me to get into book and slow pace wasn’t helping but I enjoyed complicated, flawed, and realistic characters and layered plot.

I didn’t like most of the characters except Hugo and Elza but they were all so very human and realistic. Multiple perspective gave more depth to characters giving new angle to events that happened in their life and made it easy to understand them. It also added tension between characters.

Best part of the book was Everest. It was amazing to read about mountaineering, how mountaineers train and acclimatise, what happens on their journey to summit, how hard it is to climb this highest peak of the world and fragility and frailty of humans against the nature and mountains.

Overall, Ever Rest was touching, heartfelt, thought-provoking and beautifully written fiction.

I recommend this if you love,
book about music and bands
slow pace
flawed and complicated characters
life of fame
music industry and its politics

Full review - ( )
  BooksTeacupReviews | Jun 28, 2024 |
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"Highly captivating, highly unusual... one of the best novels this year." (Garry Craig Powell, author, Stoning The Devil) Twenty years ago, Hugo and Ash were on top of the world. As the rock band Ashbirds they were superstars. Then Ash went missing in a mountaineering accident, and the lives of Hugo and everyone around him were changed forever. Infuriating, mesmerizing Ash left a hole they could never hope to fill. Two decades on, Ash's fianc? Elza is still struggling to move on, her private grief outshone by the glare of publicity. Hugo is now a recluse in Nepal, shunning his old life. Robert, an ambitious session player, feels himself both blessed and cursed by his brief time with Ashbirds, unable to achieve recognition in his own right. While the Ashbirds legend burns brighter than ever, Elza, Hugo and Robert are as stranded as if they were the ones lost in the ice. How far must they go to come back to life? A lyrical, compelling novel, Ever Rest asks how we carry on after catastrophic loss. It will strike a chord with fans of Taylor Jenkins Reid's Daisy Jones for its people bonded by an unforgettable time; fans of Ann Patchett's Bel Canto, for music as a primal and romantic force; and Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air for the wildernesses that surround our comfortable world. About the author Roz Morris's fiction has sold more than 4 million copies worldwide, ghostwritten for high-profile authors. She is now writing acclaimed fiction and memoirs as herself - My Memories of a Future Life, Lifeform Three and Ever Rest, and the travel diary Not Quite Lost. She is also the author of the Nail Your Novel series for writers. She teaches writing masterclasses for The Guardian in London.

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