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Try Dying

von Rajeev Singh

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Try Dying by Rajeev Singh is the first book by this incredible erotic horror author that didn't bode well with me. Let me explain...

Normally, I'm totally all in with Rajeev's books. If you haven't picked his books up, he's a master at erotic horror. His books are creepy, disgusting, mind boggling, menacing and disturbing - the way erotic horror should be. I'm honestly always blown away by his talent! Normally, his kind of horror doesn't sit well with me at all and I (essentially) run away screaming. But his books? The writing style and tone always pulls me in and keeps me hanging on.

Then in walks Try Dying. The writing style, the tone, the word choice - all of the essence of the book is incredible. It just gets a little too brutal for me and I had to walk away numerous times to stomach it. Why? Well, the weird fetishes of wanting to murder a woman viciously while you have sex with her made me ill. If that's the kind of horror you're going for, Rajeev does it well. That kind of horror bothers me - I'm a woman who fears this. I will say, Rajeev Singh does horror well for this topic. I give him all the props, this just isn't the plot line or story line that I should personally be reading. I can't give him enough props, bonuses and compliments for how he made this into a story and made it work. Once I was able to slowly but surely get through this book in little chunks (pun intended), I realized how well written and intriguing it is.

So, what is in store for you, oh mighty reader:
- The Dark Web
- "Walrus-moustached" as my new favourite description
- Fetishes
- An adventure surrounding a curse
- An awesomely designed cover image
- A niche book perfect for it's niche market

Overall, the book plot wise sat at a solid 3 for me. The adventure and curse side of things brought me in, but the brutality against women grossed and creeped me out. The writing? 5 out of 5, which is exactly what you expect from Rajeev Singh.

My final rating is going to sit evenly at a 4 out of 5. I'm not the audience for that book and I can accept that. I still want to read all of Rajeev Singh's books because he's one of the few horror authors that I can (normally) sit through the whole book and enjoy reading. He also just has a really nice writing style that makes the books easy to read. I find I don't get that a lot within the horror genre.

Four out of five stars!

I received this book for free from the author, Rajeev Singh, in exchange of an honest review. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this story.

Try Dying by Rajeev Singh is thrill ride of erotic splatter horror. The backstory of Nikita is an incredible horror tale on its own; the story as a whole is a riveting journey into death, depravity, and mystery.

Singh’s main character is a relatively unlikeable man with a gore fetish, and the author brings him to stark and evocative life in such a way that you are drawn to him regardless. All of the characters reach out from the pages to grip your emotions, much as the sequences grip your mind. No one and nothing are quite as they seem.

The supernatural elements of Try Dying create compelling mystery and suspense that kept me glued to the story from start to finish. The graphic sexual content and violent sequences, which often are combined, are both titillating and stomach-churning, a wicked invasion of your mind and morals, but not at all gratuitous. These elements combine to make the story what it is, and it is not a story for the faint of heart. The story is unpredictable, and the ending is not anything like what you might expect it to be.

This is erotic extreme horror at its finest and highly recommended for readers who enjoy such. ( )
  BibliophiliaTemplum | Apr 22, 2021 |
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