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The Violent Season

von Sara Walters

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794350,238 (3.13)Keine
Every November, the people in Wolf Ridge are overwhelmed with a hunger for violence-at least that's the town rumor. Last fall, Wyatt Green's mother was brutally murdered, convincing Wyatt that this yearning isn't a morbid urban legend but rather a palpable force infecting her neighbors. This year, Wyatt fears the call of violence has spread to her best friend Cash-who also happens to be the guy she can't stop wanting no matter how much he hurts her. At the same time, she's drawn to Cash's nemesis, Porter, especially now that they're partners on an ambitious project for lit class. When Wyatt pulls away from Cash and spends more time with Porter, she learns secrets about both of them she can't forget. And as the truth about her mother's death begins to emerge from the shadows, Wyatt is faced with a series of hard realities about the people she trusts the most, rethinking everything she believes about what makes people decide to hurt each other.… (mehr)
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I was in the mood for small town supernatural horror and all I got was an angsty mystery. I do love some teen drama once in a while, but this was over the top. ( )
  LynnMPK | Jun 27, 2023 |
Thank you, Netgalley, for the opportunity to read an arc version of this book!

The premise of this book drew me in--a mysterious illness that causes an entire town to be consumed by murderous thoughts each November? Intriguing. The book itself is a bit more than that. Somehow, it also feels darker than I anticipated and desired, but that’s a personal preference.

What I did like: there are a sprinkling of newspaper clippings that highlight different deaths--including a teacher killing two toddlers and our main character, Wyatt’s own mother’s murder. Provides some context building while still keeping the story going. I also found the relationship between Wyatt and her dad intriguing, and his character was very supportive.

What I wasn’t a fan of: the characters and some of the writing/use of figurative language. This is all personal preference. This book will be a quick read for many students and they might love it. Personally, I found Wyatt unlikeable and unrelatable. Again, preference-wise, I did not love the overdramatic figurative language used to describe how Wyatt was navigating the trauma of her mom’s death, nor how Wyatt interacted with Quinn or Cash. Cash was especially unlikeable and confusing--his motives and the choices he makes are all over the place, and I wish there was more character development and backstory for him.

Although I did not love this book personally, it was okay enough that I would put it in a school library if offered the opportunity. Still, I would not put it in my classroom library, nor could I see myself recommending this to a student.
( )
  ACLopez6 | Feb 25, 2023 |
It was okay, addictive in the beginning but then it felt it was going nowhere. I was led to believe it would be more supernatural, something more unnerving. The person who did the bad things wasn't a surprise and basically could guess who it was from the beginning. There wasn't much that went on and it was more of a love story with a bit of horror/mystery here and there.

I can see why Wyatt was trying to make herself believe it was a sickness to hide the horrible things and after reading the author's biography and what she is involved in, it made the book make more sense and I believe the whole point was about destructive and abusive relationships, rather than "Is there something in the air?" type horror.

So I give it 3 stars because 1)It was mildly addicting and 2) A great understanding of abusive relationships are well written into the story. ( )
  Summer345456 | Jan 25, 2023 |
Review of eBook

It’s an urban legend, the one that says that each November, a hunger takes over the young people of Wolf Ridge. But something is very wrong, for there are far too many deaths in this tiny Vermont town, far more than can be easily explained.

Seventeen-year-old Wyatt Green’s mother was one of the November victims, murdered in her own home. And Wyatt is determined to find the culprit, to prove the existence of the violence that overtakes folks every fall. But when her best friend, Cash, turns against her and a tragic accident almost claims the life of her friend Quinn, Wyatt panics. How can she prove the November sickness is real if no one believes her, if no one listens to her?

Could it be that there is no sickness, after all? And, if there is no sickness, what is the cause for all the deaths in Wolf Ridge?

Dark and claustrophobic, this unfolding narrative is unsettling and disturbing. It’s also compelling and unputdownable. Told from Wyatt’s viewpoint, the young adult story describes the confused and fearful teen searching for answers as she tries to understand her own feelings. Much of the telling of the tale is Wyatt’s introspective wondering, her desperate search for the November sickness that she is certain will explain everything.

Well-drawn characters and a strong sense of place anchor this haunting narrative; Wyatt, however, has a tendency to vacillate between clinging to her immaturity and behaving like an adult, a situation that tends to keep the reader a bit off-kilter. The plot takes a few surprising twists before offering up an unexpected jolt that changes many things, but readers will find this atmospheric tale remains with them long after they’ve turned the final page.


I received a free copy of this eBook from Soucebooks Fire and NetGalley
#TheViolentSeason #NetGalley ( )
  jfe16 | Sep 20, 2021 |
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Every November, the people in Wolf Ridge are overwhelmed with a hunger for violence-at least that's the town rumor. Last fall, Wyatt Green's mother was brutally murdered, convincing Wyatt that this yearning isn't a morbid urban legend but rather a palpable force infecting her neighbors. This year, Wyatt fears the call of violence has spread to her best friend Cash-who also happens to be the guy she can't stop wanting no matter how much he hurts her. At the same time, she's drawn to Cash's nemesis, Porter, especially now that they're partners on an ambitious project for lit class. When Wyatt pulls away from Cash and spends more time with Porter, she learns secrets about both of them she can't forget. And as the truth about her mother's death begins to emerge from the shadows, Wyatt is faced with a series of hard realities about the people she trusts the most, rethinking everything she believes about what makes people decide to hurt each other.

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