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Carving for Miss Coventry

von Deborah M. Hathaway

Reihen: Sons of Somerset (1)

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With his deceased father's woodworking business now failing, Edward Steele will do anything to see its return to prosperity, even if that means accepting work from the Coventry family far outside of Bath. His two goals? Finishing this new task swiftly and making as few acquaintances as possible. But such things are easier said than done, especially when the Coventry's daughter finds it necessary to spy on him at every turn. Marianne Coventry doesn't mean to stare, but such a task is difficult when a man as handsome as Mr. Steele works right before her eyes. Besides, at twenty years old and not yet out in Society--due to an unmarried elder sister and a strict, rule-abiding father--she will take any distraction she can get. Perhaps turning to a dashing woodworker for entertainment isn't a wise decision, but does she really have any other choice? As Edward becomes aware of Marianne's sheltered life, an unexpected friendship sprouts between them--a friendship her family cannot discover, especially when Marianne begins to realize she's been living half a life. Still, Edward's heart remains cautious, for becoming distracted and losing his family's business would mean forfeiting his livelihood and everything his father worked so hard to achieve. Despite the forces working against them, only the two of them can decide what they want most in life--and if they're willing to risk everything for love.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonklynsmith, moranmc, lichre, yrizaria, cflores0420, swissgranny
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Usually when I start a novel by the amazing Deborah M. Hathaway I am instantly intrigued, but for some reason I started out not knowing how I felt about Carving for Miss Coventry. I struggled to relate to the unique Marianne and connect with the struggling Edward at first, but I refused to give up, and am so thankful that I stuck with it.

Marianne is a peculiar character, at first giving off a vibe that I haven't felt with a character for awhile. While that is refreshing and different, it also put a unique slant to the story that I couldn't put my finger on until later on in the story. I couldn't tell if it was charming or alarming, but finally settled on charming, especially when she started to interact with woodcarver, Edward, intrigued to see how their relationship would progress.

My heart truly went out to Marianne and her sister. Their father obviously cared more about the family's status and not about the feelings of his daughters, and this truly enraged me, showing the true talent of Debrah M. Hathaway. The pace and flow were perfection, and all ended well, and though predictable, it was still satisfying.

This is the first book in the Sons of Somerset series, and if Carving for Miss Coventry is any indication, it's going to be a wonderful series!

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I read through Kindle Unlimited. All views and opinions are completely honest, and my own. ( )
  cflores0420 | Aug 26, 2021 |
Set in Regency England and brimming with colorful, realistic characters, Carving for Miss Coventry is a charming tale that quickly drew me in. Deborah Hathaway did a fantastic job in showing the bigotry and class distinctions that were prevalent during that time period. As a woodcarver whose now-deceased father was wrongly accused, causing their business to fail, Edward Steele is determined to get out of debt and rebuild the business. Marianne Coventry is determined to find out what she’s missing by not being allowed out in society, since her older sister isn’t married yet. A friendship develops between them when Edward is hired to do some carving in the Coventry library. I enjoyed the camaraderie between them and seeing their relationship grow and change.

“Sometimes, the brightest sunsets shine only after the longest rains.”

There were a couple of themes I liked in this story. The first is not judging others or believing everything you hear about them, and the other is being careful what you wish for. Sometimes, the grass may look greener on the other side of the fence, but when you get there, you find it’s an illusion.

I greatly enjoyed this story, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the Sons of Somerset series written by different authors. It will be interesting to see what tales they write.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own. ( )
  swissgranny | Jul 13, 2021 |
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With his deceased father's woodworking business now failing, Edward Steele will do anything to see its return to prosperity, even if that means accepting work from the Coventry family far outside of Bath. His two goals? Finishing this new task swiftly and making as few acquaintances as possible. But such things are easier said than done, especially when the Coventry's daughter finds it necessary to spy on him at every turn. Marianne Coventry doesn't mean to stare, but such a task is difficult when a man as handsome as Mr. Steele works right before her eyes. Besides, at twenty years old and not yet out in Society--due to an unmarried elder sister and a strict, rule-abiding father--she will take any distraction she can get. Perhaps turning to a dashing woodworker for entertainment isn't a wise decision, but does she really have any other choice? As Edward becomes aware of Marianne's sheltered life, an unexpected friendship sprouts between them--a friendship her family cannot discover, especially when Marianne begins to realize she's been living half a life. Still, Edward's heart remains cautious, for becoming distracted and losing his family's business would mean forfeiting his livelihood and everything his father worked so hard to achieve. Despite the forces working against them, only the two of them can decide what they want most in life--and if they're willing to risk everything for love.

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