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Kiss and Don't Tell von Meghan Quinn
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Kiss and Don't Tell (2021. Auflage)

von Meghan Quinn (Autor)

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1286220,879 (3.61)5
Five hockey players, a cabin in the woods ... and little old me, Winnie Berlin. Sounds like the start of a fantasy, right? But it's not. It's my reality. It all started when I got lost in the middle of the Canadian Rockies. A wicked thunderstorm sent my car mud sliding into a ditch and for a girl whose survival skills involve finding the nearest Starbucks, I was in deep trouble. Forced to abandon my car in search of help, I stumbled upon a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Soaking wet, irritated, and in desperate need of a hot shower, I knocked on the door for help only to be greeted by five boisterous, burly, and insanely attractive men. Not just men. Professional hockey players. I hit the motherload of fantasies, right? Wrong. Because as it turns out, one of them is my ex-boyfriend's half-brother. And when I end up crashing in their spare bedroom for the night, things take a very unexpected turn. I'm not sure any amount of survival skills can protect my heart from Vancouver Agitators star goalie, Pacey Lawes. But as long as we kiss and don't tell, maybe everything will be okay ...… (mehr)
Titel:Kiss and Don't Tell
Autoren:Meghan Quinn (Autor)
Info:Hot Lanta Publishing LLC (2021)
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Kiss and Don't Tell von Meghan Quinn

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4 stars

This author is one of the best when it comes to sports romance. She never over does it on the sports which is nice for a non sports enthusiast like myself. The characters in this one were great and set-up what most likely will be more books in this seies. Many laugh out loud moments from the secondary characters.

There were a few areas that I wish had been fleshed out more but still a solid book from this author. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
DNF- too weird ( )
  mimji | Apr 20, 2024 |
How cute are Pacey and Winnie? So much adorable in one book. Winnie really needed help when she came across the house Pacey and friends were staying in. Pacey is drawn to her and the fun begins. So much fun banter and lots of laugh out loud moments.
The thing that kept this from being five stars for me was the big secret that one of them was keeping. It's the kind of thing that needs to be disclosed and discussed early on. Otherwise, it's really pretty cruel to the other person. Seems like lying and it kinda deceitful. All in all, i really enjoyed this book and I recommend.
( )
  SillyViolet | Dec 3, 2022 |
Winnie Berlin finds herself lost and her car stuck in the mud during a rain storm in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. With no signal on her phone, her only hope is the lights that she sees up the road. When she finds the house with the lights, she discovers that it is inhabited by 5 professional hockey players on an off season relaxation trip. One of those men is Pacey Lawes, goalie for the Vancouver Agitators hockey team. Even though they feel an immediate connection, both of Pacey and Winnie are dealing with personal issues that make any kind of relationship seem impossible. Fate, however, seems to be bringing them together, but secrets could still tear them apart.

Kiss and Don't Tell is filled with quirky, fun characters that often create laugh out loud situations, but they aren't enough to offset the problems with this story. I didn't believe the romance between the two protagonists and found that neither one of them is very likable. Also, the irregular pacing in the story left me feeling bored through most of the first half of the book because not much really happens until the last few chapters. There isn't nearly enough time spent on the issue of Pacey's health and the dynamics of his family, and we are told about the difficulties Winnie has been facing, but never get to see the toll that they have taken on her. Overall, Kiss and Don't Tell is a disappointment from an author whose previous books I've thoroughly enjoyed. ( )
  ftbooklover | Mar 31, 2022 |
4 stars

This author is one of the best when it comes to sports romance. She never over does it on the sports which is nice for a non sports enthusiast like myself. The characters in this one were great and set-up what most likely will be more books in this seies. Many laugh out loud moments from the secondary characters.

There were a few areas that I wish had been fleshed out more but still a solid book from this author. ( )
  MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
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Five hockey players, a cabin in the woods ... and little old me, Winnie Berlin. Sounds like the start of a fantasy, right? But it's not. It's my reality. It all started when I got lost in the middle of the Canadian Rockies. A wicked thunderstorm sent my car mud sliding into a ditch and for a girl whose survival skills involve finding the nearest Starbucks, I was in deep trouble. Forced to abandon my car in search of help, I stumbled upon a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Soaking wet, irritated, and in desperate need of a hot shower, I knocked on the door for help only to be greeted by five boisterous, burly, and insanely attractive men. Not just men. Professional hockey players. I hit the motherload of fantasies, right? Wrong. Because as it turns out, one of them is my ex-boyfriend's half-brother. And when I end up crashing in their spare bedroom for the night, things take a very unexpected turn. I'm not sure any amount of survival skills can protect my heart from Vancouver Agitators star goalie, Pacey Lawes. But as long as we kiss and don't tell, maybe everything will be okay ...

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Durchschnitt: (3.61)
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4 8
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