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The Great Witch of Brittany

von Louisa Morgan

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1281222,618 (4.05)Keine
"There hasn't been a witch born in the Orchière clan for generations. According to the elders, that line is dead, leaving the clan vulnerable to the whims of superstitious villagers and the prejudices of fearmongering bishops. Ursule Orchière has been raised on stories of the great witches of the past. But the only magic she knows is the false spells her mother weaves over the gullible women who visit their fortune-telling caravan. All of that changes when Ursule comes of age and a spark of power flares to life-the power of witchcraft, guided by the whispers of her ancestors and an ancient grimoire. Simply thrilled to be chosen, she has no idea how magic will twist and shape her future. Ursule is destined to walk the same path the great witches of old took before her. But first, the Orchière magical lineage will have to survive. And danger hovers over her, whether it's the bloodlust of the mob or the flames of the pyre"--… (mehr)
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Morgan's magic is at full strength in a lovely depiction of Ursule Orchière the ancestor of the Orchire family in A Secret History of Witches. Realistic historical detail, proud feminism, devoted families and friends, and a raven familiar are some of its strengths.
  DianaTixierHerald | Dec 31, 2021 |
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"There hasn't been a witch born in the Orchière clan for generations. According to the elders, that line is dead, leaving the clan vulnerable to the whims of superstitious villagers and the prejudices of fearmongering bishops. Ursule Orchière has been raised on stories of the great witches of the past. But the only magic she knows is the false spells her mother weaves over the gullible women who visit their fortune-telling caravan. All of that changes when Ursule comes of age and a spark of power flares to life-the power of witchcraft, guided by the whispers of her ancestors and an ancient grimoire. Simply thrilled to be chosen, she has no idea how magic will twist and shape her future. Ursule is destined to walk the same path the great witches of old took before her. But first, the Orchière magical lineage will have to survive. And danger hovers over her, whether it's the bloodlust of the mob or the flames of the pyre"--

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