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The Lost Years

von E. V. Thompson

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Perys Tremayne is not readily accepted by his family in Heligan, Cornwall, because his late parents had caused a scandal, but neither did he fit easily with the servants. A neighbouring farmer's daughter, Annie, and her brother, Martin, the Tremayne's chauffeur, were the only two who would befriend him. But when war breaks out in 1914, Perys' life picks up - his determination and talent for flying enables him to join the RFC and become a distinguished flying ace. Although his war years and flying career go well, his love life was less successful. He is deeply attracted to Annie, but she has an understanding with Jimmy who returns from the Front blind and gas poisoned so she feels she must go through with her marriage. Perys' next girlfriend is Grace, a nurse, but she's on the S. S. Sultan, torpedoed and sunk by the Germans. When war ends, Perys meets up again with Annie just after Jimmy committs suicide, unable to live a disabled life...… (mehr)
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The thing with Thompson is that you know what you are going to get. Star crossed lovers who may, or may, not hate each other on first sight, then kept apart by class/war/circumstances until the final few chapters where all is resolved and they live happily, contentedly, ever after, (usually after the male has worked his way heroically up the social ladder a couple of notches.)
9/10 there is a bit of social history thrown in for good measures. The working classes struggling with their lot.
For me Thompson's books are the literary equivalent of mashed potato, - comfort food; something to curl up with when you want the familiar, when you want a break from brain-aching 'intellectual' tomes.
He must be doing something right as I have several shelves of the things now! ( )
1 abstimmen ksieyzc_2007 | Oct 5, 2007 |
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Perys Tremayne is not readily accepted by his family in Heligan, Cornwall, because his late parents had caused a scandal, but neither did he fit easily with the servants. A neighbouring farmer's daughter, Annie, and her brother, Martin, the Tremayne's chauffeur, were the only two who would befriend him. But when war breaks out in 1914, Perys' life picks up - his determination and talent for flying enables him to join the RFC and become a distinguished flying ace. Although his war years and flying career go well, his love life was less successful. He is deeply attracted to Annie, but she has an understanding with Jimmy who returns from the Front blind and gas poisoned so she feels she must go through with her marriage. Perys' next girlfriend is Grace, a nurse, but she's on the S. S. Sultan, torpedoed and sunk by the Germans. When war ends, Perys meets up again with Annie just after Jimmy committs suicide, unable to live a disabled life...

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