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There's a Moa in the Moonlight: He Moa Kei Ro Atarau

von Dawn McMillan

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There's a Moa in the Moonlight. He's in our garden plot. He's munching all our melons. He likes the seeds a lot. Moa and friends are invading the garden -- Huia is hanging out in the hibiscus, Wren is darting around and Adzebill is hunting lizards! What will Mum say when she sees all these animals in her garden? An effortless combination of rhyming text and funky illustrations extends Dawn McMillan's nature-story series to bring our extinct animals back to life. Featuring a spread of animal facts at the back.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonmatatoki, RefPenny
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Following the success of There's a Tui in our Teapot and There's a Weta on my Sweater, Dawn McMillan, Nikki Slade Robinson and Ngahere Roberts have teamed up again for a book focusing on some of New Zealand's extinct creatures. From the moa munching melons in the moonlight to the kawekaweau gobbling guava, we meet an assortment of creatures. Some of these, like the moa, are well-known, while others are less so but there is a handy collection of fact boxes in the back of the book that give more information about each.
McMillan's text bounces along nicely, while Slade Robinson's illustrations bring these creatures to life - especially the cheeky moa, who makes an appearance on most pages. Although the outdoor setting doesn't allow for as much visual humour as as Slade Robinson out into There's a Tui in our Teapot, the expressions on the moa's face almost make up for this. Congratulations to Oratia Books on another lovely, bilingual, New Zealand-centred book for our tamariki.
Recommended for young nature lovers and anyone who enjoyed the other books in this series. ( )
  RefPenny | Dec 19, 2021 |
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There's a Moa in the Moonlight. He's in our garden plot. He's munching all our melons. He likes the seeds a lot. Moa and friends are invading the garden -- Huia is hanging out in the hibiscus, Wren is darting around and Adzebill is hunting lizards! What will Mum say when she sees all these animals in her garden? An effortless combination of rhyming text and funky illustrations extends Dawn McMillan's nature-story series to bring our extinct animals back to life. Featuring a spread of animal facts at the back.

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