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The Reunion

von Kiersten Modglin

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467568,633 (4.29)Keine
Once Cait Du Bois vowed never to return to the place that reminds her of the horror she experienced. But when Hotel Lilith is chosen as the location for her high-school reunion, she finds herself unable to resist the appeal of showing off her new life to the people who once made her existence miserable. Cait is no stranger to being noticed in public, especially as a bestselling author with an enthusiastic fan base, but back at Hotel Lilith, she was once recognized for a completely different reason. With all eyes on her as she returns to the town she's spent years running from, she finds it increasingly difficult to discern between fans and foes. Haunted by the memory of a night that torments her, she resolves to put the past behind her and move on. No one knows the truth about what happened back then. At least, that's what she's always believed. Shortly after her arrival, strange things begin to occur. A mysterious package, strange calls, and frightening text messages seem to be just the beginning of the nightmare about to unfold. Someone is determined to bring the truth to light. If they succeed, the life Cait has built based on secrets could come crashing down around her. And if they want her to pay for what she's done, her lies may be the least of her concerns. Someone's out for blood.… (mehr)
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4.5 stars ( )
  filemanager | Nov 29, 2023 |
True to her form, Kiersten Modglin delivers another fast-paced tantalizing thriller in The Reunion.

Going back to a small town to your 10th high school reunion is always a bit nerve racking. However, when you were an outsider and taunted by “the populars” it becomes terrifying.

Why does Cait even want to go back and relive those memories? She is now a well known author, however, something tragic happened ten years ago. Is Cait to blame for what happened or is Cait now in danger and from whom? ( )
  GeauxGetLit | May 27, 2023 |
First, I want to thank Kiersten Modglin for providing me with this review so I may bring you this review.

Oh Snap!!! Kiersten Modglin’s latest book The Reunion had me nibbling on my nails and on the edge of my seat! This book is dark and wickedly twisted! Kiersten, you are the princess of psychological thrillers! You keep amazing me with each book you write! You my dear are an incredible storyteller! The Reunion must be put on the top of your TBR pile as it is one of the best she has written this year!

Kiersten would love to dedicate this book to the beautiful memory of her father whom she told all her first stories to. He believed in her, cheered her on, and called her to tell her no one would notice that first 1-star review.

I absolutely loved how Kiersten named her character Caitlin du Bois after a sweet reader. But what I loved even more is that she made her become a famous writer! This brought a whole new angle to the storyline that I just loved!

One thing I love about Kiersten is how appreciative and thankful to all of her loyal readers!

Oh I smiled ear to ear seeing one of my favorite boy bands NSYNC mentioned!!

I loved how this book jumped back and forth from the present day to their high school days. However, I don’t miss those days after reading all the drama lol!

Kiersten did a brilliant job slowly building up the suspense of all the mysteries that were in this book.

She does an incredible job making you feel like you are right there with the characters in the book. There were many storylines that she was a part of that I too felt all the emotions.

The Reunion is one book you will read and at the end go back and reread parts of it. ( )
  heidilynnsbookreview | Apr 17, 2023 |
Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in return for an honest review.
Another exciting read from Kiersten Modglin! Told in dual timelines, this book covers high school years leading up to the death of a best friend and a high school reunion 10 years later where the main character, Cait, is attempting to move on but someone has other plans.
Pros: I always love Kiersten Modglin's writing style and can get pulled into her books immediately. Has an easy to read flow.
Con..?: if you're looking for a fast paced thriller, this may not be it. This is more of a mystery, a discovery of what happened, and a "is this real?, am I paranoid?" type of book. I loved it but it wasn't what I was expecting going into it.
3.5 stars ( )
  TheHobbyist | Mar 6, 2023 |
As usual Kiersten Modglin kept me up way past my bedtime! I love her books. The plot lines are realistic and believable and are the definition of twisty thriller. Just when you think you know what is going on you discover that you really don't. They have great characters you really get to know and like or not as the case may be. The dislike is usually intentional. This book took me back to high school and the reason I didn't attend early reunions. I was not one of The Populars and when I went to a reunion I felt the same sense of insecurity and unworthiness as Cait did. In ten years she has married the boy everyone wanted and become a famous best selling author so she wants to show off her success. But the reunion is being held at the Lilith Hotel the sight of a prom night disaster she vowed never to set foot in again. That is the only thing I had trouble with. Despite the success I would have stayed home. But then we wouldn't have a book. The story is told in a chapters alternating between the present and the high school years. This was very effective in developing the characters' histories. The stalking fan was creepy. I finally had an inkling of who she was but I certainly missed the why. I don't want to spoil the story so you should read the book and become involved with the 3 childhood friends, the hunky boy, and the mean girls. Typical high school--with a twist. ( )
  wvteddy | Dec 29, 2021 |
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Once Cait Du Bois vowed never to return to the place that reminds her of the horror she experienced. But when Hotel Lilith is chosen as the location for her high-school reunion, she finds herself unable to resist the appeal of showing off her new life to the people who once made her existence miserable. Cait is no stranger to being noticed in public, especially as a bestselling author with an enthusiastic fan base, but back at Hotel Lilith, she was once recognized for a completely different reason. With all eyes on her as she returns to the town she's spent years running from, she finds it increasingly difficult to discern between fans and foes. Haunted by the memory of a night that torments her, she resolves to put the past behind her and move on. No one knows the truth about what happened back then. At least, that's what she's always believed. Shortly after her arrival, strange things begin to occur. A mysterious package, strange calls, and frightening text messages seem to be just the beginning of the nightmare about to unfold. Someone is determined to bring the truth to light. If they succeed, the life Cait has built based on secrets could come crashing down around her. And if they want her to pay for what she's done, her lies may be the least of her concerns. Someone's out for blood.

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