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Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness

von Steve Magness

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From beloved performance expert and best-selling author of Peak Performance comes a revolutionary science-based new definition of toughness - one that focuses on assessing a challenge on a physiological and psychological level. Toughness has long been held as a fundamental key to achieving peak performance. For generations, we've been taught toughness means bulldozing through - pushing to the point of breakdown - and that showing any sign of weakness is failure. This model of toughness has long been glorified and celebrated. But the truth is, it doesn't work. Steve Magness, a performance scientist who coaches Olympic athletes, now offers a new kind of toughness - real toughness - that can help anyone navigate adversity and challenge. Grounded in the latest sports science and psychology, real toughness is about paying attention to your physiological, emotional, and psychological responses (from pain to anger) and working with them to overcome a challenge. Real toughness works with our biology and psychology, fake toughness fights against them. Real toughness is based on four core pillars which cultivate genuine inner strength: Pillar 1- Ditch the Façade, Embrace Reality Pillar 2- Listen to Your Body Pillar 3- Respond, Instead of React Pillar 4- Transcend Discomfort Like Endure and The Talent Code, Real Toughness flips the script on what it means to be tough, pointing to new research that shows how our understanding of resilience - one that ignores discomfort - is wrong. Magness draws from mindfulness, military case studies, sports psychology, neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy to show how real toughness makes us more successful, happier, and better people.… (mehr)
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This book's advice can be applied to sports, parenting, and many other quests that come along in life. ( )
  BoundTogetherForGood | Feb 22, 2024 |
An interesting take on the topic was is true toughness in a human. The word itself suggest the grit and relentless determination to prevail. This book explores a different take and cultivates numerous ideas and concepts that tend to fly in the face of the old school definition.

The author relates a lot to his experiences in competitive running. At times the material gets a bit deep and even wonkish. But overall some very enlightening concepts emerge that I found useful and will test out in my daily challenges.

He also relates some of the individual considerations to leadership and society at large particularly in today's heated environment politically, socially, and otherwise. He reveals in the conclusion his own OCD disorder as a child and to a certain extent as an adult that he relates much of what he puts forth in the book. In total some good and interesting ideas and approaches that anyone could utilize in their life. ( )
  knightlight777 | Feb 11, 2023 |
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From beloved performance expert and best-selling author of Peak Performance comes a revolutionary science-based new definition of toughness - one that focuses on assessing a challenge on a physiological and psychological level. Toughness has long been held as a fundamental key to achieving peak performance. For generations, we've been taught toughness means bulldozing through - pushing to the point of breakdown - and that showing any sign of weakness is failure. This model of toughness has long been glorified and celebrated. But the truth is, it doesn't work. Steve Magness, a performance scientist who coaches Olympic athletes, now offers a new kind of toughness - real toughness - that can help anyone navigate adversity and challenge. Grounded in the latest sports science and psychology, real toughness is about paying attention to your physiological, emotional, and psychological responses (from pain to anger) and working with them to overcome a challenge. Real toughness works with our biology and psychology, fake toughness fights against them. Real toughness is based on four core pillars which cultivate genuine inner strength: Pillar 1- Ditch the Façade, Embrace Reality Pillar 2- Listen to Your Body Pillar 3- Respond, Instead of React Pillar 4- Transcend Discomfort Like Endure and The Talent Code, Real Toughness flips the script on what it means to be tough, pointing to new research that shows how our understanding of resilience - one that ignores discomfort - is wrong. Magness draws from mindfulness, military case studies, sports psychology, neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy to show how real toughness makes us more successful, happier, and better people.

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