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The Tea Shop Witch (The Tea Shop Witch #1)

von Thora Bluestone

Reihen: The Tea Shop Witch (1)

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This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. A disappearing body. Hidden magical talents. An adorable mind-reading dog. And small-town secrets . . . Addie James's life imploded when she discovered her fiancé cheating and got downsized from her biotech job. So she left Silicon Valley for the haven of her Aunt Kate's tea and apothecary shop in the peaceful mountain town of Stargaze. There, she plans to take a deep breath and figure out what's next. But when Addie reaches Stargaze, there's no trace of her aunt. Until one night, Aunt Kate's lifeless body shows up and then disappears from the locked shop. And that's when things really start to get strange. As Addie sets out to find the murderer, she begins to realize her own hidden magical talent is the key to discovering what really happened to her aunt . . . who might not be quite so dead after all. The problem is, logical Addie isn't sure she can accept the magical parts of herself that science can't explain. Will she learn to embrace this new life that's full of supernatural surprises and solve her aunt's case? The Tea Shop Witch is Book 1 in the Tea Shop Witch Cozy Mystery Series by Thora Bluestone. If you love fun mysteries with a dash of magic, spine tingles, small-town life, and slow-burn romance, this series is for you! Brew a cup of your favorite tea and come along to the mountain town of Stargaze . . . Categories: Paranormal Cozy Mystery Witch Cozy Mystery Small Town Mystery Amateur Sleuth Female Detective Culinary Cozy Mystery Dog Cozy Mystery Clean Fiction.… (mehr)
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This was a charming story about Addie James who is trying to come to terms with her life implosion. She comes home to find her boyfriend being unfaithful and also loses her job so she tucks her tail and goes to be with her Aunt who always liked her to lick her wounds and see what life might have for her now. Only her aunt is missing and things are not as they were, and there are secrets in the community that complicate things and you can never go back to things as they were no matter what.
I liked it, it was an enjoyable read. There were a couple of potential romantic leads and some of the paranormal comes out of almost nowhere but it felt like a decent start to a series. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Jul 24, 2024 |
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This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. A disappearing body. Hidden magical talents. An adorable mind-reading dog. And small-town secrets . . . Addie James's life imploded when she discovered her fiancé cheating and got downsized from her biotech job. So she left Silicon Valley for the haven of her Aunt Kate's tea and apothecary shop in the peaceful mountain town of Stargaze. There, she plans to take a deep breath and figure out what's next. But when Addie reaches Stargaze, there's no trace of her aunt. Until one night, Aunt Kate's lifeless body shows up and then disappears from the locked shop. And that's when things really start to get strange. As Addie sets out to find the murderer, she begins to realize her own hidden magical talent is the key to discovering what really happened to her aunt . . . who might not be quite so dead after all. The problem is, logical Addie isn't sure she can accept the magical parts of herself that science can't explain. Will she learn to embrace this new life that's full of supernatural surprises and solve her aunt's case? The Tea Shop Witch is Book 1 in the Tea Shop Witch Cozy Mystery Series by Thora Bluestone. If you love fun mysteries with a dash of magic, spine tingles, small-town life, and slow-burn romance, this series is for you! Brew a cup of your favorite tea and come along to the mountain town of Stargaze . . . Categories: Paranormal Cozy Mystery Witch Cozy Mystery Small Town Mystery Amateur Sleuth Female Detective Culinary Cozy Mystery Dog Cozy Mystery Clean Fiction.

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