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My Dirty California

von Jason Mosberg

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324773,413 (3.5)1
"When Marty returns to Pennsylvania after living in California for ten years, he's happily welcomed by his father and older brother, Jody. The joyful reunion is short-lived. Two days later, Jody enters the house to find his father and Marty shot dead as their masked killer flees out the back door. Without any answers from the local police, Jody heads to Los Angeles looking for who murdered his family and why. Soon, he finds a trove of strange videos recorded by his brother that leads him into the city's most dangerous corners, where he comes up against drug dealers, crooked cops, surf gangs, and black-market profiteers. As his investigation expands, it also intersects with Pen, a documentary filmmaker who suspects humanity is living in a simulation and that her missing father found a portal to escape; Renata, an undocumented immigrant who might have evidence to support Pen's theory; and Tiph, a young mother whose desperate efforts to support her only child via a stolen art stash could prove the key to answering all these mysteries. My Dirty California is a cinematic, suspenseful, intricately plotted thriller that explores the darker side of the glamorous Golden State."--… (mehr)
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This book tried to be so-so but it moved fast with believable characters and a good sense of place. The story-line was good and it could easily have been expanded. I loved the focus California locations and you can tell JM loves the state. On the other hand the overlapping sequences and time jumping had me turned around a bit at times. I also think JM shouldn't have spent so much time on the simulation BS and more time on the rescue and how it shook out amongst the characters but he is a screen writer at heart and that is how it read. The ending pulled it into a 4 rating. ( )
  JBreedlove | Jan 15, 2024 |
An intriguing mystery with interesting characters. This isn't the usual type of book that I read and I wasn't sure going into it if I would like it. I was pleasantly surprised that it kept my interest throughout. My only complaint is that one of the stories leaves off at a cliffhanger. This book would make an excellent crime drama movie that I would gladly watch. ( )
  LynnMPK | Nov 30, 2023 |
My Dirty California takes the reader on a wild journey through California, as the protagonist, Jody, looks for the killer of his brother Marty and his Dad back in Pennsylvania. While the book initially starts out as what appears to be the typical revenge novel, it morphs into one crazy ride where we meet any number of eccentric characters, and also learn of Marty’s website, called My Dirty California. Jody uses the videos on it to try to piece together the motive for the killing.

In the meantime we meet the other main characters. Renata is an illegal who makes it to California, and who meets Marty before disappearing. Pen makes documentaries and believes there are portals to other worlds. Tiphony’s husband is in jail, and gets her involved in a scheme to recover stolen art. How these disparate plot lines resolve themselves and come together make this book a great read.

My thanks to Simon & Schuster and to Netgalley for providing an ARC of this entertaining novel. ( )
  luke66 | Oct 22, 2022 |
Jody's younger brother, Marty, returns from CA to PA to visit Jody and their dad. When the pair are murdered shortly after Marty returns, Jody heads to CA to avenge his father and brother's deaths. Jody finds that Marty was working on a podcast called My Dirty California. Along the way, he meets some odd characters, some who help him, and others who wish to harm him.
This is a sweeping tale that exposes some unsavory operations and unsavory characters. It never seems like Jody can win, as he keeps hitting obstacle after obstacle.
Some of the scenes are difficult to read as they depict a very serious and terrible issue. Ultimately, I enjoyed the novel and was satisfied with the ending. ( )
  rmarcin | Sep 24, 2022 |
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"When Marty returns to Pennsylvania after living in California for ten years, he's happily welcomed by his father and older brother, Jody. The joyful reunion is short-lived. Two days later, Jody enters the house to find his father and Marty shot dead as their masked killer flees out the back door. Without any answers from the local police, Jody heads to Los Angeles looking for who murdered his family and why. Soon, he finds a trove of strange videos recorded by his brother that leads him into the city's most dangerous corners, where he comes up against drug dealers, crooked cops, surf gangs, and black-market profiteers. As his investigation expands, it also intersects with Pen, a documentary filmmaker who suspects humanity is living in a simulation and that her missing father found a portal to escape; Renata, an undocumented immigrant who might have evidence to support Pen's theory; and Tiph, a young mother whose desperate efforts to support her only child via a stolen art stash could prove the key to answering all these mysteries. My Dirty California is a cinematic, suspenseful, intricately plotted thriller that explores the darker side of the glamorous Golden State."--

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