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So Not Meant To Be
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So Not Meant To Be

Reihen: Cane Brothers (2)

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""Are you two friends?" Ha! Friends with JP Cane? That's laughable. Besides the fact that he firmly believes men and women can't be friends and work together, it's safe to say Kelsey Gardner doesn't want her boss's friendship, anyway. He's annoyingly loud, obnoxiously handsome, and has made an art out of pushing Kelsey's buttons all day, every day. No, thank you. So you can imagine how horrified Kelsey is when she not only has to fly out to San Francisco with JP for work, but stay in the same penthouse during the trip. They'll be sharing the same air, twenty-four-seven, as full-fledged working roommates. And being that close is a nightmare--the man doesn't seem to know how to wear a shirt, thrives off protein bars, and is constantly flirting up a storm. Tack on his polished good looks up close, and Kelsey's suddenly staring down the barrel of a seductive temptation that makes it hard to sleep. But she can control herself. She's been doing it since she first met the guy, after all. Because if there's one thing she knows for certain, it's that she and JP Cane are so not meant to be"--… (mehr)
Titel:So Not Meant To Be
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So Not Meant To Be von Meghan Quinn

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4.4 stars

This author writes banter so well that is filled with snarkiness and humor that it makes me want to be her best friend. I know going into a MQ book that I'm going to laugh and in today's world? Yeah, its much needed.

This was even cuter than Lottie and Huxley's book. I loved the tie in with so many past characters. It was done seamlessly and made me miss them. I might need to do a reread. ( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
So Not Meant to Be is a good enemies to lovers story. One of the things I really liked about this book was JP's drunken ramblings and phone calls. His love for pigeons was really endearing and a little heartbreaking at times.
I did struggle a little bit with Kelsey. She came across as mean a few times. Her opinions of JP did not always make sense to me. He did not demonstrate that he was as bad of a guy as she accused him of being.
Aaron Shedlock and Stella Hunter were simply fantastic with this narration. They are great together and this book was no exception. ( )
  SillyViolet | Dec 3, 2022 |
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""Are you two friends?" Ha! Friends with JP Cane? That's laughable. Besides the fact that he firmly believes men and women can't be friends and work together, it's safe to say Kelsey Gardner doesn't want her boss's friendship, anyway. He's annoyingly loud, obnoxiously handsome, and has made an art out of pushing Kelsey's buttons all day, every day. No, thank you. So you can imagine how horrified Kelsey is when she not only has to fly out to San Francisco with JP for work, but stay in the same penthouse during the trip. They'll be sharing the same air, twenty-four-seven, as full-fledged working roommates. And being that close is a nightmare--the man doesn't seem to know how to wear a shirt, thrives off protein bars, and is constantly flirting up a storm. Tack on his polished good looks up close, and Kelsey's suddenly staring down the barrel of a seductive temptation that makes it hard to sleep. But she can control herself. She's been doing it since she first met the guy, after all. Because if there's one thing she knows for certain, it's that she and JP Cane are so not meant to be"--

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