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The Apology, Phaedo and Crito of Plato / The Golden Sayings of Epictetus / The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (1909)

von Charles William Eliot (Herausgeber), Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Plato

Weitere Autoren: Hastings Crossley (Übersetzer), Benjamin Jowett (Übersetzer), George Long (Übersetzer)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,505312,619 (4.1)11
Im in love with this book. When I first finished it, I immediately turned back and began again, doubtless, its a true gem. It seeks to remind you that before we, as individuals or as a race, seek to remedy our problems in the external world, we should have a care to achieving freedom, courage, and greatness of mind within. Although by this late date much of the initial vigor and authenticity of the great early Greeks such as Heraclitus, Anaxagoras, and Diogenes had given way to derivative codified systems, in this work we find the philosophers life being lived undiminished, with a broad mind, a powerful body, and an unfettered soul. We, modern citizens of the western world, with our paltry souls, shriveled from long disuse, flat and bloodless from discharge of desire, have very much to learn. I recommend it highly to anyone looking for a way to improve their existence. Giving it careful study will give you a direction in which to go in order to obtain wisdom. And wisdom is like a mountain spring to him who of it drinks; for it flows on and ever more, and never goeth dry. These golden ideas comes from his lessons on Stoicism that was recorded by one of his students. The philosophy is deceptively simple, but effective. These simple tactics are helpful in facing the daily stresses of life.… (mehr)
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As usual, the edition listed is a more recent one than the one that I just added the bk cover image to but they're both reissues of the same bk. The cover I added is from the Harvard Classics edition published by P. F. Collier & Son Corporation. This was probably the 1st philosophy bk I ever read. I remember reading it while I was a research volunteer for the University of Maryland hospital in downtown Baltimore. I might've been 21. My memories of it are more vividly associated w/ that circumstance than they are w/ its contents. I was the freak in the study who was composing a piece called "d composition" & reading classic philosophy. One of my roomies seemed to be fascinated by me. Somehow, from observing this intellectual behavior of mine, he concluded that I was some sort of hard-core orgy participant or something? He was a gigolo. After I was out of the hospital, he & I stayed in touch. I invited him to a party, he arrived w/ a friend in tow w/ a camera - both practically w/ their tongues lolling out. Their disappoinment at finding this a fairly tame painter's party was all too clear. Where's the orgy?

But back to the bk: Marcus Aurelius was the one who made the most impression on me. An emperor who was abstinent & tried to be fair? Or was the editor of the series trying to perpetuate ruling class myths that an elite university like Harvard was all too happy to use as a PR smokescreen for its own agenda? Hard to say in retrospect, but I doubt that I'll read Aurelius again to reform an opinion. I give it 4 stars anyway just b/c the whole experience of reading such a thing was important to me at that time in my life. ( )
  tENTATIVELY | Apr 3, 2022 |
This was, so far, one of my favorite reads in the Harvard Classics collection that I've amassed. The dialects of Plato were wonderfull, and the sayings of the ex-slave Epictetus were amazing for their sense of praticality and resignation in relation to our lives...even today. Marcus Aurelius' meditations were by far though, my favorite section of the compilation. His ability to delve into himself, the world and the universe around him all while ruling an Empire were amazing to me...especially when thinking about how aloof our world leaders seem today. ( )
  Tahlil77 | Mar 30, 2007 |
As Hegel had it, the two great philosophers of stoicism were an emperor and a slave, respectively. ( )
  gbanville | Jan 8, 2007 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Eliot, Charles WilliamHerausgeberHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
EpictetusHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Marcus AureliusHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
PlatoHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Crossley, HastingsÜbersetzerCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Jowett, BenjaminÜbersetzerCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Long, GeorgeÜbersetzerCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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This is volume 2 of the Harvard Classics series. Please do not combine with any of the other volumes of the series. Also, please do not combine with any of the individual works, which include:
  • The Apology, Phaedo and Crito of Plato
  • The Golden Sayings of Epictetus
  • The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
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Im in love with this book. When I first finished it, I immediately turned back and began again, doubtless, its a true gem. It seeks to remind you that before we, as individuals or as a race, seek to remedy our problems in the external world, we should have a care to achieving freedom, courage, and greatness of mind within. Although by this late date much of the initial vigor and authenticity of the great early Greeks such as Heraclitus, Anaxagoras, and Diogenes had given way to derivative codified systems, in this work we find the philosophers life being lived undiminished, with a broad mind, a powerful body, and an unfettered soul. We, modern citizens of the western world, with our paltry souls, shriveled from long disuse, flat and bloodless from discharge of desire, have very much to learn. I recommend it highly to anyone looking for a way to improve their existence. Giving it careful study will give you a direction in which to go in order to obtain wisdom. And wisdom is like a mountain spring to him who of it drinks; for it flows on and ever more, and never goeth dry. These golden ideas comes from his lessons on Stoicism that was recorded by one of his students. The philosophy is deceptively simple, but effective. These simple tactics are helpful in facing the daily stresses of life.

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