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The bridge to Sharktooth island : a Challenge Island STEAM adventure

von Sharon Estroff

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215,380,446 (2.5)Keine
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

For fans of The Magic School Bus and Magic Tree House, new friendships, mysterious forces, and an island adventure awaits in The Bridge to Sharktooth Island as you delve into the mechanics of bridge-building fun!

"This story introduces three fifth graders forced to use their individual strengths and talents to work together and problem-solve their way out of trouble. Estroff's clever prose helps readers think, plan, and create with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math). These are perfect for a technology-focused classroom and lessons, as well as adventure-loving students. Expressive illustrations throughout the chapters help readers to see the models as they are envisioned by the characters. Fun additions at the end of the story include shark facts, Leonardo da Vinci–inspired experiments, and instructions for readers to create their own truss bridge. This is a great STEAM-infused addition to the fiction section of any elementary or middle school library."
School Library Journal

One minute Daniel and his cousin Joy are playing in the snow—and the next they are stranded on a mysterious island surrounded by sharks!

Where are they now and how did they get here? And how will they get back home?

With new friend Kimani, the kids find clues to these and other mysteries. To escape the island, they have to work together and build a bridge to safety!

This thrilling adventure is packed with fun STEAM activities you can do at home: build your own bridge, mix up a blue slime ocean, and design ferocious paper sharks.

From the world's #1 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) education enrichment program, Challenge Island® presents an exciting new adventure book series for smart, curious kids.

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Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonjuniperSun, SPWA-Library
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I was very interested in a fiction book that would help my grandkids think about STEM ideas. This was a disappointment. The best part of the book was the positive spin put on a failed trial: "The good news is, I learned one way that doesn't work." Yes, it presented engineering strength/rigidity differences between squares and triangles. Yes, it had a closing section on doing the experiment yourself with playdough and toothpicks. Yes, the characters learned thru experience that the square girding did not support weight. But it did not present anything to make children want to experiment themselves. The story already told them the answer, why should they go to the bother of doing the toothpick experiment? There should at least have been a line about "I wonder how a pentagon would work? Or other shapes? Or combination of shapes?
The plot of the book was very short, obviously meant as part of a series, and no chance for real character or story development. Each of the 3 characters had a specific trait or skill, and that was how they acted the entire story. There didn't seem to be any intrinsic logic to the magic (yes, even magic has some structure to it)--hidden notes & talking parrots appear out of nowhere to act as prompts to the children's thinking. And the "boom-da" etc was irritating to read and, again, didn't seem to have a reason for sounding, other than to alert us that magic is going to happen. But why that dumb phrase?
My granddaughter (homeschooled, 10 yr old) paged through it for about 1/2hr and later said she did not want to take it home for further reading. Maybe she'd already read it, maybe just wasn't interesting to her--she does read at a higher level. ( )
  juniperSun | May 9, 2024 |
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Sometimes magic happens in the most ordinary places.
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The good news is, I learned one way that doesn't work. (p.22)
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

For fans of The Magic School Bus and Magic Tree House, new friendships, mysterious forces, and an island adventure awaits in The Bridge to Sharktooth Island as you delve into the mechanics of bridge-building fun!

"This story introduces three fifth graders forced to use their individual strengths and talents to work together and problem-solve their way out of trouble. Estroff's clever prose helps readers think, plan, and create with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math). These are perfect for a technology-focused classroom and lessons, as well as adventure-loving students. Expressive illustrations throughout the chapters help readers to see the models as they are envisioned by the characters. Fun additions at the end of the story include shark facts, Leonardo da Vinci–inspired experiments, and instructions for readers to create their own truss bridge. This is a great STEAM-infused addition to the fiction section of any elementary or middle school library."
School Library Journal

One minute Daniel and his cousin Joy are playing in the snow—and the next they are stranded on a mysterious island surrounded by sharks!

Where are they now and how did they get here? And how will they get back home?

With new friend Kimani, the kids find clues to these and other mysteries. To escape the island, they have to work together and build a bridge to safety!

This thrilling adventure is packed with fun STEAM activities you can do at home: build your own bridge, mix up a blue slime ocean, and design ferocious paper sharks.

From the world's #1 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) education enrichment program, Challenge Island® presents an exciting new adventure book series for smart, curious kids.


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