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Tanden Revolution: Gut-Force Mining and Sealing the ARC

von S. E. Meredith

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TANDEN REVOLUTION teaches the details of internal power conditioning for the lower abdomen, the traditional source and storehouse of human spiritual, combative, and healing energy. The nature of tanden (Chinese: dantian) power is explained; the difficulties in beginning to feel and cultivate it are unpacked and overcome. Numerous practical drills are provided that will enable any average person to cultivate and deploy tanden energy within a larger whole-body internal power framework. The training protocols and usage cases for traditional Tanden power demonstrations are clearly laid out. Please read ALL reviews of ALL my previous books before deciding whether this book is likely to be of value for your personal training goals and relevant to your particular interests. The following topics and drills are covered: Introduction Gut-Force Mining The Tanden Activation Protocol (TAP) The Hard Wave Feeling the Tanden Spot Posture, Principles, and Practice Natural Perpendicular Protocol Hard Wave Perpendicular Protocol BUBBLE Breathing Perpendicular Protocol Weighted Perpendicular Protocol Advanced Yogic Protocol The Gut-Toss Protocol The Point of the TAP Sealing the ARC The Hand Infusion Protocol (HIP) The 3 HIP Power Zones Chopsticks Descending Dragon Eye Wheel Sleeving the Legs Push The Go-No-Sen Framework The Limit… (mehr)
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Scott Meredith Ph.D is the author or co-author of numerous books on Asian and European martial arts, including: Juice Radical Taiji Energetics, Peng Root Power Rising, Surge Radical ZMQ Energetics, Radical Xingyi Energetics, Packing Supercharge Your Hands, The Aiki Singularity, Secrets of te Russian Breath Masters, and Strikes Soul Meets Body.


1 Introduction
2 Gut force mining
The hard wave
Feeling the tanden spot
Posture, principles, and practice
Natural perpendicular protocol
Hard wave perpendicular protocol
BUBBLE breathing perpendicular protocol
Weighted perpendicular protocol
Advanced yogic protocol
Gut-toss protocol
The point of the TAP
3 Sealing the ARC
The head
The hand infusion protocol (HIP)
The 3 HIP power zones
Sealing the ARC
4 Push
5 The limit
  AikiBib | Apr 1, 2023 |
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TANDEN REVOLUTION teaches the details of internal power conditioning for the lower abdomen, the traditional source and storehouse of human spiritual, combative, and healing energy. The nature of tanden (Chinese: dantian) power is explained; the difficulties in beginning to feel and cultivate it are unpacked and overcome. Numerous practical drills are provided that will enable any average person to cultivate and deploy tanden energy within a larger whole-body internal power framework. The training protocols and usage cases for traditional Tanden power demonstrations are clearly laid out. Please read ALL reviews of ALL my previous books before deciding whether this book is likely to be of value for your personal training goals and relevant to your particular interests. The following topics and drills are covered: Introduction Gut-Force Mining The Tanden Activation Protocol (TAP) The Hard Wave Feeling the Tanden Spot Posture, Principles, and Practice Natural Perpendicular Protocol Hard Wave Perpendicular Protocol BUBBLE Breathing Perpendicular Protocol Weighted Perpendicular Protocol Advanced Yogic Protocol The Gut-Toss Protocol The Point of the TAP Sealing the ARC The Hand Infusion Protocol (HIP) The 3 HIP Power Zones Chopsticks Descending Dragon Eye Wheel Sleeving the Legs Push The Go-No-Sen Framework The Limit

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