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The Obvious Truth That Is Hidden

von Chethana

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Experiences have a great role in building our perspective towards something or someone. You may have heard the famous quote, “You’re always the devil of someone else story”. We tend to form judgments based on our first encounters and tend to analyse our experience but the ultimate truth not only for us, but also for everyone. This belief is soon broken when someone appreciates and expresses love for the one thing or person that we hate so much. We start understanding that we are nothing but a peck in this huge universe and our experiences are not the ultimate valid truth. That God, or the supreme being has something else planned for us and we keep searching for it throughout our lives. Some find their goals sooner than others and go near to Him and some even have to take rebirths, because Karma binds them. Karma is a reaction to every action that we do and it’s a loop that every organism must go through before attending ‘moksha’, or the ultimate liberation.

We say that life in itself is full of sufferings, but it is due to these sufferings of life itself that teaches us how to move forward in life and start soul searching. The answers to all these questions are present within us, but how to unlock those is a knowledge that readers of this book with surely seek. This book, correctly named, ‘The Obvious Truth That Is Hidden’ written in lucid language by eminent author Chethana brings forward the secrets of our human mind and helps us cleanse ourselves of our physical, emotional and spiritual burdens.

The way to liberate ones soul and its journey has been beautifully explained by the author in this book. The author in the next chapters explains to us the significance and difference between free will and freedom and guides us how to choose our paths wisely that in turn regulates our karma. She becomes an advocate for us, questioning the working of karma and weather, it can be at all, erased. She relates her very own life experiences with that of ours, and as we flip through the pages we feel as if it’s our own lives that is being explained. The true meaning of ‘Sanatan’ and its vast nature beyond the realm of religion has been gracefully elucidated so that each of us can heal the soul. This book is a must read for it guides us into discovering the true form of God and the path through which we can become one with Him. ( )
  BibliophileSonya | Aug 31, 2022 |
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