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Shifting Sun (Full Moon #3)

von Belle Harper

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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Ada has found her Prince Charming with Huxley but . . . she misses what she had with Noah. She feels incomplete and knows deep in her heart she is in love with him. She is just confused and so new to all of this that she is just as clueless as he is. When Lexi and Ada go on a special trip, one that was just for them and their mates, they find Saint and Noah have followed them. Things get awkward, but it gives Ada time to think about what she really wants and if she can ever forgive Saint. Summer, college, and boys . . . and the question on everyone's mind. Who is Zayn?… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonMorgie99, clairszulik, DeannaMeno
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Okay the end of the series. Like I said at book one I was addicted and I didn't put it down until I was finished the series. Now I gave all the books four stars because grammar was a big issue through out all three books. And I do not butt kiss when I'm leaving reviews. If I see a problem I pointed out. And as much as I absolutely love Belle as an author I still see the grammar issues in every single book lol. But I still would recommend this series plus the new moon series to all of my friends. ( )
  Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Ada has found her Prince Charming with Huxley but . . . she misses what she had with Noah. She feels incomplete and knows deep in her heart she is in love with him. She is just confused and so new to all of this that she is just as clueless as he is. When Lexi and Ada go on a special trip, one that was just for them and their mates, they find Saint and Noah have followed them. Things get awkward, but it gives Ada time to think about what she really wants and if she can ever forgive Saint. Summer, college, and boys . . . and the question on everyone's mind. Who is Zayn?

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