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The Reaper (The Soldiers of Anarchy #2)

von Nikki J Summers

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Devon is known as the Reaper in his town and his group the soldiers. His life growing up like the rest of the group was not very good he was abused by his stepdad. One day he decided enough was enough and took care of him. That started his passion and obession with the kill that they do to exact the consequences of the marks.
Leah May lived what everyone expects to be a sheltered life as a priests daughter, but not everything is as it seems. Her mother one day asked for her to try and make friends with this troubled young man that was Devon. After her mom passed she vowed that she would and from that moment would watch from afar.
By chance Devon ends up on Leah May's doorstep and starts to notice her. Can they overcome this difference of life that Devon is determined will keep them apart? Does someone know Devon's secret or is his past coming back to haunt him? ( )
  kianas_smuttylibrary | May 17, 2024 |
“I wanted to be death. I wanted to become that dark, silent visitor that everybody feared.” The Reaper comes for everyone but especially those who wrong him, those he loves, and the innocent. No one can out run death, no one can cheat death, many try but all fail, when face to face with our Reaper. Devon has a past that haunts his every move, it has defined his nature, and now he refuses to these evils go on with others. As a soldier of anarchy he has a bond with his brothers that can’t be destroyed and is stronger than any blood family there may be. They seek justice in an evil world and those that are strong enough to handle their demons are the ones that will stand by their sides for life. Devon doesn’t think he has the capacity for love, only destruction, but a raven comes along and shows him otherwise. Leah May the vicar’s daughter has always complied, done what was right, but suffers with insecurities and knows she is destined for more. As a promise to her mother she has always been Devon’s shadow friend, always watching out for him but at a distance. She has know for years what he is capable of yet loves him all the same. Devon never knew about Leah May until fate brought them together and now he can’t stop his thoughts staying to her. As he fights the inevitable Leah May just wants to be seen by him and when he finally lets go she is all he can see. When others want to drag him down, Devon refuses to go down without a fight and he especially refuses to lose, so he protects what is his to the end. This story was such a beautiful one full of heartache, pain, brotherhood, loving deeply, and being seen even when you didn’t feel it. Devon carried so much on his shoulders, was an amazing son and brother, loved hard even when he thought he wasn’t capable of it. He was beautifully bent never broken and with his raven by his side this Reaper will defend the innocent and his loved ones til the end.

“The reaper and the raven. One can see death, and the other deals with it. They’re a perfect pair.” “Where one exists, the other will follow. The scythe and the shadow. A dual reminder that nothing lasts forever.”

“Broken pieces from your life that made you who you are, but they’re shattered and broken for a reason. You fought to make them that way. Scars show you’ve fought a battle and won. The destruction I see is beautiful, a beautiful chaos. I’d take those fractured parts a million times over some make believe heaven that doesn’t make me feel anything.”
( )
  readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
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