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Excavations: A Novel

von Kate Myers

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"On a remote archeological site in Greece, the mythic home of the first Olympics, four women discover an unusual artifact. It's a piece of history that definitely shouldn't exist. And for the head archaeologist in charge, a relic himself, it means something's gone horribly wrong. Elise, Kara, Z, and Patty all find themselves digging here together, but they couldn't be farther apart. Kara's a polished conservator calling off her wedding. Patty and her bowl cut are desperate for love. Millennial Z just got dumped and fired yet again. And Elise, their star excavator, is a lone wolf about to go rogue. To figure out what they're really digging for, and to topple the man who wants to hide their history, these dirt-crusted colleagues have to become what they've avoided for years--friends. If they put their own messes aside for one summer, they might just make the discovery of a lifetime"--… (mehr)
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An ok book. Set in a Greek archaeological dig. Four ladies with completely different personalities band together to
expose the obnoxious, full-of-himself professor who is in charge of the excavation for his misdeeds. We get the perspective of a fifth lady, an artifact dug up. I enjoyed her the most. Quick read. I learned something about archeology in the field, but of course as a whole it was probably exaggerated. Note the bust in white on the cover. Interesting how the artist explains how he came up with the picture. ( )
  janerawoof | Jan 4, 2024 |
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"On a remote archeological site in Greece, the mythic home of the first Olympics, four women discover an unusual artifact. It's a piece of history that definitely shouldn't exist. And for the head archaeologist in charge, a relic himself, it means something's gone horribly wrong. Elise, Kara, Z, and Patty all find themselves digging here together, but they couldn't be farther apart. Kara's a polished conservator calling off her wedding. Patty and her bowl cut are desperate for love. Millennial Z just got dumped and fired yet again. And Elise, their star excavator, is a lone wolf about to go rogue. To figure out what they're really digging for, and to topple the man who wants to hide their history, these dirt-crusted colleagues have to become what they've avoided for years--friends. If they put their own messes aside for one summer, they might just make the discovery of a lifetime"--

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