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Amazing Grace: The Life of John Newton and the Surprising Story Behind His Song

von Bruce Hindmarsh

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Now available in trade paper!  Amazing Grace is the surprising true story of John Newton, author of the song that has touched millions. A biography that reads like a novel, it reveals Newton's dramatic story of sin and salvation as a slave trader before his ultimate transformation to speaking out against the horror of slavery. His story speaks to the brokenness within us all and our need for God's amazing grace--and reveals the truth behind his song. Amazing Grace is based on years of research on the life and writings of John Newton. It tells of a prodigal who returns home, and a young love that defies the odds; of a young man whose life is torn by grief and wounded by the cruelty of others, following his descent into deeper suffering and finally into the brutal world of the slave trade. Newton rejects God repeatedly but is rescued by a divine mercy that reaches deeper than he could ever have imagined as he ultimately faces his past and repents. Newton's story is shocking, and Amazing Grace does not try to airbrush or excuse his faults. There are glaring contradictions in the life of a ship's Captain who retreats to his cabin to study his Bible and write tender love letters to his wife while hundreds of slaves lie in chains in the hold below. The profound lessons from his life are applicable to us today, helping us to: Discover that the need for grace is universal and offers the deepest hope for overcoming hatred Be honest about our lives even when we are ashamed and face seemingly unresolvable problems Look for grace when life is far from perfect and doesn't match up to our expectations Trust that our mistakes and regrets, no matter how deep, can be redeemed in the end   Since the first public singing of "Amazing Grace" almost 250 years ago, every generation has been profoundly moved by the song, and now readers can connect with John Newton's story like never before. In these days of extreme polarization when beliefs about race, church, and politics have all become deeply divisive in society, we need grace more than ever. We need stories like this one that talk honestly about the human condition but even more about the relentless love of God and his forgiveness of sins.… (mehr)
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The song Amazing Grace is probably the mist well loved song today, all over the world. In my lifetime, I have heard several people that do not attend church say that they love Amazing Grace, its their favorite song. Well, it’s mine too. Of all of the songs written, the words, the music, all of it together is a song that worships God. This special song still has a powerful affect on people today.

I was aware that John Newton’s life wasn’t perfect, and he made some pretty bad decisions in his life that caused him to go down a road of horrific sin. But after giving his heart to Jesus, all of that changed.

The world at that time was able to see what happens when God changes a man, lives within that man, and guides his steps. Out of this change came the beautiful song we all know and love today, the song Amazing Grace.

I think someone loving history would really love this book. Also, those who love to research old songs or love to know the meaning behind the old Hymns of Faith would love to get their hands on this book. It is my hope that you check out this wonderful book. I know you will love it as much as I do. I'm giving this book Five Stars.

A special thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. ( )
  ibjoy1953 | Mar 20, 2023 |
John Newton's life is explored in this new book but it reads more like a novel than a biography. Authors Bruce Hindmarsh and Craig Borlase write about Newton's personal life and his work as a minister but it never appears to be just fact after fact after fact! I've long known about his hymn Amazing Grace and Newton's strong stance against slavery, but this book shares so much more. His life was filled with abuse, sorrow, and many wrong choices, including being a slave trader himself, until... the power of a loving God changed all of that. John Newton is the perfect example of someone who lived a wretched life, received amazing grace, and continued to enjoy it for the rest of his life!

I believe that this thought-provoking book would be a wonderful addition to a church library. I highly recommend Amazing Grace!

I received a complimentary copy from the authors and publisher via FrontGate Media. There was no obligation for a positive review. These are my own thoughts. ( )
  fcplcataloger | Mar 10, 2023 |
Yes, I love the song Amazing Grace, and knew some of his being a slave trader, but what an eye opener into what made this gifted man.

From an irresponsible young man to a gifted minister of the faith, we follow John from one disaster to another, and even wonder at times how he will survive all that happens to him!

I am so glad to have read this, such a blight on history, but it was a blessing to read this!

I received this book through Net Galley and Thomas Nelson/W. Publishing, and was not required to give a positive review. ( )
  alekee | Jan 27, 2023 |
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Now available in trade paper!  Amazing Grace is the surprising true story of John Newton, author of the song that has touched millions. A biography that reads like a novel, it reveals Newton's dramatic story of sin and salvation as a slave trader before his ultimate transformation to speaking out against the horror of slavery. His story speaks to the brokenness within us all and our need for God's amazing grace--and reveals the truth behind his song. Amazing Grace is based on years of research on the life and writings of John Newton. It tells of a prodigal who returns home, and a young love that defies the odds; of a young man whose life is torn by grief and wounded by the cruelty of others, following his descent into deeper suffering and finally into the brutal world of the slave trade. Newton rejects God repeatedly but is rescued by a divine mercy that reaches deeper than he could ever have imagined as he ultimately faces his past and repents. Newton's story is shocking, and Amazing Grace does not try to airbrush or excuse his faults. There are glaring contradictions in the life of a ship's Captain who retreats to his cabin to study his Bible and write tender love letters to his wife while hundreds of slaves lie in chains in the hold below. The profound lessons from his life are applicable to us today, helping us to: Discover that the need for grace is universal and offers the deepest hope for overcoming hatred Be honest about our lives even when we are ashamed and face seemingly unresolvable problems Look for grace when life is far from perfect and doesn't match up to our expectations Trust that our mistakes and regrets, no matter how deep, can be redeemed in the end   Since the first public singing of "Amazing Grace" almost 250 years ago, every generation has been profoundly moved by the song, and now readers can connect with John Newton's story like never before. In these days of extreme polarization when beliefs about race, church, and politics have all become deeply divisive in society, we need grace more than ever. We need stories like this one that talk honestly about the human condition but even more about the relentless love of God and his forgiveness of sins.

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