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The Inner Ear of Don Zientara: A Half Century of Recording in One of America's Most Innovative Studios, Through the Voices of Musicians

von Antonia Tricarico (Herausgeber)

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1361,565,672 (4.3)Keine
In the late 1970s, Don Zientara-a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War-founded Inner Ear Studio in the basement of his home in Arlington, VA, using the electronics training he received from the army. Inner Ear remained in Don's basement until its 1990 relocation to a larger space on South Oakland Street. Along the way, Inner Ear became best known for recording iconic DC punk musicians including Bad Brains, Minor Threat, Bikini Kill, Rites of Spring, Mary Timony, and Fugazi. The Inner Ear of Don Zientara is an oral history of not just Inner Ear's recordings, but the role that Don played in creating one of the most welcoming and nurturing recording studios the world over. Alongside 250 photographs, the volume includes testimonials from members of Fugazi, Scream, Fire Party, Shudder to Think, Jawbox, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Dismemberment Plan, as well as musicians like Kathleen Hanna, Henry Rollins, among other notables. In addition to DC punk bands, Don also recorded many ot… (mehr)
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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I received this book as part of the Early Reviewers club and despite being open to reviewing it, it is not a book I would have gone out of my way to read. I know of Fugazi, Minor Threat, etc., but I am not a musician and, therefore, don't pay much attention to the studios responsible for recording various albums. We are from the DMV area and my spouse is a musician, so she thought the book was awesome. The photography gave me a good sense of the studio's vibes, so I did enjoy that part. However, I felt the authors could have identified themes across the stories and used quotes to represent them... After a while, the stories got pretty repetitive, and the book began to read more like a personal gift to Don, which is sweet, but not interesting reading. As a coffee table book or gift to a musician, it's fine, but I still have not read it all the way through due to boredom. There were salient themes across stories; the Editor could have strengthened the message of the book (i.e., what made the studio so special) by tying these themes together. ( )
  Seventyserpents | Jul 23, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Review @ NO ECHO ( )
  peej | May 15, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
The Inner Ear of Don Zientara (2023) by Antonia Tricarico.
I had never heard of Don Zientara or Inner Ear Studios. But then I talked to my son, the musician, and he was all ablaze to get his hands on this book. He told me a lot of the punk scene in and around the D.C. and Virginia environs was recorded at The Inner Ear. This book is a word and photo tribute to the studio, but mostly it honors the man behind the recordings. We learn of the start of Inner Ear in Don’s basement in the late 1970s and the move to a better, more business-like location in the 90s. After 50 years Inner Ear closed shop in October 2021. But in 2022 Zientara reopened Inner Ear back in his basement, so it has gone full circle. Yet even during that short time closed, it lived on in the hearts of those who worked there, recorded there, or listened to the finished music emanating from there.
Along with far more than 200 photographs taken by the author, there are a massive amount of written tributes to the man and the studio from dozens of bands. They range from Bikini Kill and Rites of Spring to Fugazi and Red Hot Chili Peppers. We also get to read letters from so many of the people who worked with and knew Don Zientara, including sound engineers, various producers and one Alex Vida, listed as Stagecraft. That was the name of the radio show he and Don created which allowed listeners to learn more about Punk musicians they either loved or never heard of before,
While the new studio isn’t mentioned in this book I am certain it will have the same caring, self-effacing driving force at the controls. Don was a Nam-era conscientious objector who brought the same inner calm to the recording studio, trying to stay out of the way and let the band’s true sound come through. And it worked.
This is a fitting tribute to a music market icon that may not be my style, but through my son and his friends, is certainly a living, vivacious entity that will live on and on. ( )
  TomDonaghey | Jun 29, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This coffee table tribute feels like the comment book after a wake: lots of little stories from the artists he recorded about how Don never interfered with their visions, but always had advice on achieving them. With photos.
  EverettWiggins | Jun 16, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I went to college in DC in the late 80s, worked in college radio and in nightclubs, and later managed Yesterday and Today Records. It was great to hear a lot of behind-the-scenes stories behind the music I love. ( )
  BoyntonLodgeNo236 | Jun 15, 2023 |
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In the late 1970s, Don Zientara-a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War-founded Inner Ear Studio in the basement of his home in Arlington, VA, using the electronics training he received from the army. Inner Ear remained in Don's basement until its 1990 relocation to a larger space on South Oakland Street. Along the way, Inner Ear became best known for recording iconic DC punk musicians including Bad Brains, Minor Threat, Bikini Kill, Rites of Spring, Mary Timony, and Fugazi. The Inner Ear of Don Zientara is an oral history of not just Inner Ear's recordings, but the role that Don played in creating one of the most welcoming and nurturing recording studios the world over. Alongside 250 photographs, the volume includes testimonials from members of Fugazi, Scream, Fire Party, Shudder to Think, Jawbox, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Dismemberment Plan, as well as musicians like Kathleen Hanna, Henry Rollins, among other notables. In addition to DC punk bands, Don also recorded many ot

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