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To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods

von Molly X. Chang

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286295,926 (3.22)1
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:She has power over death. He has power over her. When two enemies strike a dangerous bargain, will they end a war . . . or ignite one?

“A thrilling tale of magic and murder, intrigue and betrayal.”—Cassandra Clare, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Sword Catcher
Heroes die, cowards live. Daughter of a conquered world, Ruying hates the invaders who descended from the heavens long before she was born and defeated the magic of her people with technologies unlike anything her world had ever seen.
Blessed by Death, born with the ability to pull the life right out of mortal bodies, Ruying shouldn’t have to fear these foreign invaders, but she does. Especially because she wants to keep herself and her family safe.
When Ruying’s Gift is discovered by an enemy prince, he offers her an impossible deal: If she becomes his private assassin and eliminates his political rivals—whose deaths he swears would be for the good of both their worlds and would protect her people from further brutalization—her family will never starve or suffer harm again. But to accept this bargain, she must use the powers she has always feared, powers that will shave years off her own existence.
Can Ruying trust this prince, whose promises of a better world make her heart ache and whose smiles make her pulse beat faster? Are the evils of this agreement really in the service of a much greater good? Or will she betray her entire nation by protecting those she loves the most?
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Regarding the controversy I say that while I understand it to an extent, if y’all are willing to trudge through other similar novels with similar romantic plots *cough cough* a court of thorns and roses- you should put those thoughts aside and instead focus on other facets of this book. It’s also the first in the series, let it cook.

I love the world building.

For a debut novel it’s wonderfully written, and it’s a fast read, which I appreciate. It’s quick pace made it immensely more enjoyable

I’m really liking it. The magic vs science is really interesting, and themes of feminism bolster the story.

I’m excited to see what else this author has to offer, I think she’s a great talent.
Everything about this story seems like it should be bogged down by too much descriptors- but the storytelling prowess of the author makes the novel something more than the sum of its parts.

It’s one of Illumicrates better recent picks, in my opinion because it captured my fancy!

Can’t wait for the next in the series! ( )
  ZeldasLibrary | Jun 3, 2024 |
To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods is the first installment in a series that follows Ruying, a teenager with the ability to pull the qi (life force) from a person and kill them. She is one of many who have magical abilities of various kinds. Her country, Pengu, has been invaded by Romans and their scientific marvels, through a sky portal. So far, Pengu has submitted to colonialization to keep the peace. But politics, rebels, and a potentially sympathetic Roman prince may change the status quo. Can Ruying protect what is left of her family while being forced to commit terrible acts to keep the peace? In an Author’s note, it’s pointed out that this story is inspired by Manchurian folklore and history, particularly during WWII, and I really enjoyed that aspect of the story. Unfortunately, the execution was lackluster. It’s understandable that the author would need to spend sometime world building at the beginning but there were continuous, repetitious descriptions of how Ruying’s family is poor, her people are oppressed and all addicted to Opian, and how magic can’t stand up to science. This really slows down the pacing in the first 2/3s of the book. It seems like all of the action and plotting happens in the last third of the novel which made that part much more interesting. Despite the time given to explaining in the beginning, there are still a lot of questions remaining about why and how magic works, why, given its fantastic nature, it can’t stand up better to science. Despite the flaws, I did like the main character and her struggle to understand her own boundaries and morals as well as the political intrigue. And the cover is absolutely stunning. Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review! ( )
  kcaroth1 | Sep 6, 2023 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:She has power over death. He has power over her. When two enemies strike a dangerous bargain, will they end a war . . . or ignite one?

“A thrilling tale of magic and murder, intrigue and betrayal.”—Cassandra Clare, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Sword Catcher
Heroes die, cowards live. Daughter of a conquered world, Ruying hates the invaders who descended from the heavens long before she was born and defeated the magic of her people with technologies unlike anything her world had ever seen.
Blessed by Death, born with the ability to pull the life right out of mortal bodies, Ruying shouldn’t have to fear these foreign invaders, but she does. Especially because she wants to keep herself and her family safe.
When Ruying’s Gift is discovered by an enemy prince, he offers her an impossible deal: If she becomes his private assassin and eliminates his political rivals—whose deaths he swears would be for the good of both their worlds and would protect her people from further brutalization—her family will never starve or suffer harm again. But to accept this bargain, she must use the powers she has always feared, powers that will shave years off her own existence.
Can Ruying trust this prince, whose promises of a better world make her heart ache and whose smiles make her pulse beat faster? Are the evils of this agreement really in the service of a much greater good? Or will she betray her entire nation by protecting those she loves the most?

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