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Radiant Heat

von Sarah-Jane Collins

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332753,992 (3.21)Keine
"When a catastrophic wildfire suddenly rips through a woman's hometown, she thinks she is lucky to have survived...until she finds a dead woman in her driveway, clutching a piece of paper with her name on it.... Alison is alive. She rode out the fire on the damp tiles of her bathroom, her entire body swaddled in a wet woolen blanket. The flames crackled around her, the bitter char of eucalyptus settling in the back of her throat. The wildfire devastated the Victoria countryside she calls home, and when Alison creeps out of her hiding place, she spots a soot-covered cherry red car in her driveway, and in it, a woman. She finds the woman's bag. An ID: Simone Arnold. A piece of paper: Alison's full name and address. But why? As Alison searches for answers across Australia's scorched bushlands, she soon learns that the fire isn't the only threat she's facing..."--… (mehr)
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Escaping a raging Australian bush fire wasn’t the only horrendous thing Allison had to endure in her life.

Something else from her past was waiting.

When she felt it was safe to leave her home, she found a dead woman sitting in her driveway with Allison‘s address written on a slip of paper.

Allison has no idea who this woman is, but it is the address of where Allison used to live.

We follow Allison as she tries to figure out what meaning this has, and she constantly feels someone is watching her.

Did she really know this woman? What is going on?

How are Allison and this woman connected?

We find out as Allison relives the past and lets us know what’s going on currently.

Her abusive boyfriend is trying to find her because he said she has something that he wants.

Allison knows nothing about what he could want, is frightened, runs, and tries to solve this on her own without giving all the information to the police.

RADIANT HEAT was somewhat confusing because of all the back-and-forth in time right in the same paragraph or chapter, but the writing was very good and the tension, the intrigue, and the underlying fact that something was going on that I needed to know kept me reading, even though it took until about 50% to pull you in.

It is worth the wait, but be aware there is domestic violence. 4/5

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own. ( )
  SilversReviews | Jan 28, 2024 |
Alison finds herself in the middle of a blaze in her Australian hometown, protecting herself in the bath, under a blanket. When she feels it is safe, she ventures outside, and finds a woman dead in a car in Alison's driveway. The woman, Simone Arnold, was on her way to see Alison and give her some info. However, Alison claims she doesn't know her.
The story details Alison's past loves, friendships, and decisions, as well as her family life, including her father's affair. The main story is about Alison's last lover, Gil, who was possessive and controlling. Billy, the local cop, and longtime friend of Al's is a key player. He wants a relationship with her, she can't handle it.
The story has some suspense, some mystery, but ultimately, I was left with questions. ( )
  rmarcin | Jan 22, 2024 |
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"When a catastrophic wildfire suddenly rips through a woman's hometown, she thinks she is lucky to have survived...until she finds a dead woman in her driveway, clutching a piece of paper with her name on it.... Alison is alive. She rode out the fire on the damp tiles of her bathroom, her entire body swaddled in a wet woolen blanket. The flames crackled around her, the bitter char of eucalyptus settling in the back of her throat. The wildfire devastated the Victoria countryside she calls home, and when Alison creeps out of her hiding place, she spots a soot-covered cherry red car in her driveway, and in it, a woman. She finds the woman's bag. An ID: Simone Arnold. A piece of paper: Alison's full name and address. But why? As Alison searches for answers across Australia's scorched bushlands, she soon learns that the fire isn't the only threat she's facing..."--

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