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The Rest is History: The official book from the makers of the hit podcast

von Goalhanger Podcasts, Tom Holland, Ian Hollingshead, Dominic Sandbrook

Weitere Autoren: Adam Doughty (Illustrator)

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762358,588 (4)2
History. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:This entertaining companion to the massively popular history podcast tackles everything from Alexander the Great to Agatha Christie, the Wars of the Roses to Watergate—with a unique blend of wit, wisdom, and good old-fashioned banter

The Rest Is History podcast brilliantly distills major moments in human history, covering everything from the Trojan War to a historical ranking of the greatest dogs. Now, this official tie-in book brings the chart-topping podcast's charms to the page, offering readers a fresh, wide-ranging tour of humanity's essential, and essentially weird, moments, including:
- Did the Trojan War actually happen?
- What was the most disastrous party in history?
- Was Richard Nixon more like Caligula or Claudius?
- How did a hair appointment almost blow Churchill's cover?
- Why did the Nazis believe they were descended from Atlantis?
Featuring an introduction from podcast hosts Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook, this book cleverly demonstrates that the past—from modern to ancient and every time in between—is both closer to us than we might realize and bafflingly strange, all at once. So run your Egyptian milk bath, strap up your best Spartan sandals, and prepare for a journey down the highways and byways of the human past.
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I don't really listen to podcasts and so I was unaware of The Rest is History a podcast issued by the historians Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook (and one of the most popular there is). This volume is a very easy to read breeze through various historical materials and is most enjoyable. In his book Unruly David Mitchell recommends moving on from there to a detective novel or something of that ilk. Though both books could be described as Horrible histories for grown ups, it has not been a problem reading them virtualiy back to back. This current volume is very random and covers all sorts of subjects. I found it quite stimulating. One tiny snag is that references to topical news mean that even just a year or two later the book can sound unnecessarily dated. ( )
  GaryBrady | Sep 11, 2024 |
A fun read. As someone else pointed out, reminds me very much of the old Uncle John's Bathroom Readers. It's a good book to pick up when you have a minute (aka: bathroom) and just want a quick story or laugh. It's a bit disorganized, jumps from place to place with no real sense of purpose. But, like I said, it's a fun read. ( )
  1Randal | Feb 12, 2024 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Goalhanger PodcastsHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Holland, TomHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Hollingshead, IanHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Sandbrook, DominicHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Doughty, AdamIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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History. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:This entertaining companion to the massively popular history podcast tackles everything from Alexander the Great to Agatha Christie, the Wars of the Roses to Watergate—with a unique blend of wit, wisdom, and good old-fashioned banter

The Rest Is History podcast brilliantly distills major moments in human history, covering everything from the Trojan War to a historical ranking of the greatest dogs. Now, this official tie-in book brings the chart-topping podcast's charms to the page, offering readers a fresh, wide-ranging tour of humanity's essential, and essentially weird, moments, including:
- Did the Trojan War actually happen?
- What was the most disastrous party in history?
- Was Richard Nixon more like Caligula or Claudius?
- How did a hair appointment almost blow Churchill's cover?
- Why did the Nazis believe they were descended from Atlantis?
Featuring an introduction from podcast hosts Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook, this book cleverly demonstrates that the past—from modern to ancient and every time in between—is both closer to us than we might realize and bafflingly strange, all at once. So run your Egyptian milk bath, strap up your best Spartan sandals, and prepare for a journey down the highways and byways of the human past.

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