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Funny Story von Emily Henry
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Funny Story (2024. Auflage)

von Emily Henry (Autor)

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1,1583817,972 (4.17)23
Daphne always loved the way Peter told their story. How they met, fell in love, and moved back to his hometown to begin their life together. Too bad it turned out to be more of a prequel to Peter's actual love story with his childhood best friend, Petra. So that's how Daphne's next chapter starts - stranded in a too-small town, propositioning Petra's heartbroken ex to move in. As roommates of course. A temporary solution until she gets a new job literally anywhere else. Miles is the exact opposite to Daphne, and it's mostly just unbearably awkward until one drunken night. A tenuous friendship formed, Miles convinces her to give this idyllic town one last summer - he'll show her why he loves it and if they happen to post deliberately misleading photos of their adventures together, so be it. But as Daphne starts to fall for the town, she is faced with a question: is Miles an interlude in her great love story with Peter or was Peter was just a footnote to that time she fell in love with her ex-fiance's new fiance's ex boyfriend?… (mehr)
Titel:Funny Story
Autoren:Emily Henry (Autor)
Info:Berkley (2024), 395 pages
Sammlungen:Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz


Funny Story von Emily Henry

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonVeritasParadox, private Bibliothek, mizlen2u, journeygirl, carebear6, MCLib, zugarazojl, BooksRBrainFood6
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"Life, I’d learned, is a revolving door. Most things that come into it only stay awhile."

"You can’t untell someone your secrets. You can’t unsay those delicate truths once you learn you can’t trust the person you handed them to."

“That’s no problem,” Miles says, pouring a taste of white wine for each of us. “All we have to do is get married, and then stay together until they split up. And if they have kids, just have one more than them. If they get a dog, we get a cuter dog. If they buy a new house, we get a mansion.”

“Things go smoother if you don’t let people get a rise out of you,” he says. “If you give them control over how you feel, they’ll always use it.”

"You can’t force a person to show up, but you can learn a lesson when they don’t. Trust people’s actions, not their words. Don’t love anyone who isn’t ready to love you back. Let go of the people who don’t hold on to you. Don’t wait on anyone who’s in no rush to get to you."

"The same universe that dispassionately takes things away can bring you things you weren’t imaginative enough to dream up."

Funny Story is the second Emily Henry book that I have read and it did not disappoint. I loved that one of the main characters is a (children's) librarian as I think it is a career many book readers dream of. But my favourite bit about the book is the dry, witty, funny conversation. It lead to several literal laugh out loud moments. The developing love story, while expected, ends up being a bonus. ( )
  eesti23 | Sep 15, 2024 |
Several friends recommended this book but when one mentioned that the audio edition was narrated by Julia Whelan, I knew I’d be listening to it. Julia Whelan is one of my favorite narrators and her performance made a good book even better than if I’d read the print edition.

When Daphne’s fiancé Peter returns from his bachelor party and announces that he’s not going to marry her she’s stunned. Then he announces that she needs to move out because his supposedly platonic best friend Petra is moving in. Daphne doesn’t want to leave the town she moved to for Peter until after the end of summer event she’s been planning as the Children’s Librarian. She’s counting the days until after that and looking for jobs elsewhere. Needing a place to live she moves into the second bedroom of the apartment where Petra’s ex (Miles) is living.

Yeah, you can predict this, but the journey is a good one. Daphne and Miles both have issues to work through separately and together. Daphne is ready to leave but because she feels she has to stay until after the library event she does begin to move on to her life after Peter.

This was very good, and the audio is as good as I’d hoped. I definitely recommend this and will be getting other books by Emily Henry narrated by Julia Whelan. ( )
  SuziQoregon | Sep 8, 2024 |
Emily Henry never disappoints me with her back and forth banter and characters that just suck you in. I think Ive mentioned in other reviews of her work that even the character that you don't want to like grows on you . I also love reading anything set in or around the Great Lakes. Great book! ( )
  mchwest | Aug 31, 2024 |
I didn’t zoom through this one like I have with her others but I did love it! I especially liked how I could place myself in the town as a Michigander. All the scenes were described so perfectly. Even though I’m not a northerner, I’ve been there enough that I knew exactly what she meant. I think the pace was great and there weren’t any throwaway characters, everyone had an important spot in the story.

Peter is the worst, obviously. My favorite quote in regard to him was said by Ashleigh and it resonated deeply with me. “You could be a three coursed balanced meal with a cute little hostess dessert, and it wouldn’t matter. He knows you, and the lunch he doesn’t know is going to catch his eye.”

Miles was perfection 🤌🏽. Patient, attentive, charismatic, and somehow a culinary genius? I was shooting looks at my husband a few times like 😒 you, sir have never made one homemade pizza and we’ve been together 15 years.

Daphne needs to stop putting herself down. Not everything needs to be perfect. Sometimes things just are and that’s beautiful, too. ( )
  ellierey | Aug 27, 2024 |
No one could have predicted that what looked like Daphne's happily ever after would turn into such a disaster. When her fiance, Peter, leaves her for his long-time best friend, Petra, Daphne ends up living in the spare room of Petra's ex-boyfriend, Miles. Seemingly opposites other than their shared heartbreak, Daphne is counting down the days until she can leave the apartment and her job as a children's librarian in the small Michigan town she moved to for Peter. But as Miles and Daphne start getting to know each other and Daphne starts letting others in to her life, she finds that maybe she's not quite so desperate to get away from the town after all.

As expected, a perfectly delightful romance from Emily Henry. Henry does such a great job of crafting characters who feel so real, with their own baggage, that you can't help becoming invested in their journeys as individuals and in the relationship between the leads. Daphne and Miles' story is a perfect summer read and great both for established fans of Henry's writing as well as a great one to try if you've never picked up one of her books before. ( )
  MickyFine | Aug 18, 2024 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Emily HenryHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Whelan, JuliaErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Daphne always loved the way Peter told their story. How they met, fell in love, and moved back to his hometown to begin their life together. Too bad it turned out to be more of a prequel to Peter's actual love story with his childhood best friend, Petra. So that's how Daphne's next chapter starts - stranded in a too-small town, propositioning Petra's heartbroken ex to move in. As roommates of course. A temporary solution until she gets a new job literally anywhere else. Miles is the exact opposite to Daphne, and it's mostly just unbearably awkward until one drunken night. A tenuous friendship formed, Miles convinces her to give this idyllic town one last summer - he'll show her why he loves it and if they happen to post deliberately misleading photos of their adventures together, so be it. But as Daphne starts to fall for the town, she is faced with a question: is Miles an interlude in her great love story with Peter or was Peter was just a footnote to that time she fell in love with her ex-fiance's new fiance's ex boyfriend?

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