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Rainbow Black

von Maggie Thrash

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Lacey Bond has grown up in her parents' hippie New Hampshire daycare, idolizing her blasphemous, ultra-fashionable sister, Eclair, chasing baby squirrels, and contemplating trees. Then the Satanic Panic hits - the moral hysteria that shook the United States by its shoulders in the 80s and 90s. It's the summer of 1990 when Lacey's parents are handcuffed, flung into the county jail, and faced with a torrent of jaw-dropping accusations from dozens of current and former daycare kids. The criminal trial that follows is one of several in the novel, and it marks the beginning of Lacey's relentless effort to survive after her literal and figurative guardians vanish, one by one. After the hysteria results in a devastating murder, Lacey runs away and starts over in Montreal with a new identity. But will she ever escape the constant fear of being found out and having to face the trauma of the media spotlight all over again? For readers of Ottessa Moshfegh, Emma Cline, and Donna Tartt comes a genuinely unique coming-of-age story that's also an unrelenting interrogation of America's endless cycle of moral panics.… (mehr)
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    Houses of the Unholy von Ed Brubaker (bibliovermis)
    bibliovermis: The Satanic Panic ruined a lot of lives!
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This novel based on and set amid the Satanic Panic of the 80's and 90's is hilarious and ghoulish—snortingly funny, in a way that made me feel somewhat guilty. It's audacious, uproarious, uncompromisingly queer, and macabre, like an R-rated Addams Family. There are lines I am still snickering at a month later, which somewhat lightens the horrors I can never unread. Rainbow Black's prose is unflinching, in every way, staring down grisly horror, dreadful abuse and negligence, and ghastly, cringeworthy precocious adolescence. Only you can decide which is the most traumatic! ( )
  bibliovermis | Mar 14, 2024 |
Rainbow Black by Maggie Thrash takes readers on a wild journey through the tumultuous life of thirteen-year-old Lacey, who finds herself at the heart of her parents' trial for heinous crimes. The novel explores Lacey's unwavering belief in her parents' innocence, her fierce fight for justice, and the aftermath as she embarks on a new life with her best friend.

One of the novel's strengths lies in its embrace of queer themes. Thrash seamlessly integrates lesbian and trans identities into the narrative, creating a refreshing portrayal where these aspects are not questioned but celebrated. The story offers a compelling exploration of identity and acceptance, making it a standout feature of Rainbow Black.

The first half of the novel stands out as the most captivating. Thrash skillfully builds tension and curiosity around Lacey's parents' trial, drawing readers into a web of uncertainty and emotion. However, the second half loses some of its initial allure, leaving lingering questions unanswered. The lack of resolution regarding Lacey's parents' actions and the fate of characters like èclair may leave readers craving more closure.

Despite the less satisfying conclusion, Rainbow Black serves as a poignant commentary on the flaws within the legal system.

In summary, Rainbow Black is a compelling queer thriller that navigates the complexities of identity, justice, and the aftermath of accusation. While the first half shines with intensity and intrigue, the second half leaves some narrative threads unresolved. ( )
  Beckles | Nov 24, 2023 |
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Maggie ThrashHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
O'Neill, JoanneUmschlaggestalterCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Lacey Bond has grown up in her parents' hippie New Hampshire daycare, idolizing her blasphemous, ultra-fashionable sister, Eclair, chasing baby squirrels, and contemplating trees. Then the Satanic Panic hits - the moral hysteria that shook the United States by its shoulders in the 80s and 90s. It's the summer of 1990 when Lacey's parents are handcuffed, flung into the county jail, and faced with a torrent of jaw-dropping accusations from dozens of current and former daycare kids. The criminal trial that follows is one of several in the novel, and it marks the beginning of Lacey's relentless effort to survive after her literal and figurative guardians vanish, one by one. After the hysteria results in a devastating murder, Lacey runs away and starts over in Montreal with a new identity. But will she ever escape the constant fear of being found out and having to face the trauma of the media spotlight all over again? For readers of Ottessa Moshfegh, Emma Cline, and Donna Tartt comes a genuinely unique coming-of-age story that's also an unrelenting interrogation of America's endless cycle of moral panics.

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