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Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century (1990)

von Heinrich Dumoulin

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541493,961 (3.5)1
A continuation of the author's history of Zen from its origins in India, its transmission to China, and final development in Japan, when Zen established itself as a lively philosophical and religious movement in the West. This book surveys leading 20th century Zen philosophers from Japan such as D.T. Susuki and other members of the Kyoto School, including Kitaro Nishida and Kaiji Nishitani. It also reviews the transformation of the historical picture of Zen achieved through modern research and translations, and discusses the interaction of Zen with psychology and Christianity, focusing on interpreting Zen enlightnement and building bridges of understanding.… (mehr)
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A continuation of the author's history of Zen from its origins in India, its transmission to China, and final development in Japan, when Zen established itself as a lively philosophical and religious movement in the West. This book surveys leading 20th century Zen philosophers from Japan such as D.T. Susuki and other members of the Kyoto School, including Kitaro Nishida and Kaiji Nishitani. It also reviews the transformation of the historical picture of Zen achieved through modern research and translations, and discusses the interaction of Zen with psychology and Christianity, focusing on interpreting Zen enlightnement and building bridges of understanding.
  PSZC | Dec 12, 2019 |
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Implanted in the polymorphous religion of the Buddha, confined for centuries to a narrow area, treasured and practiced by an elite, only in the epochal turning point of our times has Zen won prestige and wide influence as a spiritual force of worldwide significance.
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A continuation of the author's history of Zen from its origins in India, its transmission to China, and final development in Japan, when Zen established itself as a lively philosophical and religious movement in the West. This book surveys leading 20th century Zen philosophers from Japan such as D.T. Susuki and other members of the Kyoto School, including Kitaro Nishida and Kaiji Nishitani. It also reviews the transformation of the historical picture of Zen achieved through modern research and translations, and discusses the interaction of Zen with psychology and Christianity, focusing on interpreting Zen enlightnement and building bridges of understanding.

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