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Half a Cup of Sand and Sky

von Nadine Bjursten

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3020815,775 (3.71)6
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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I am not sure whether I will finish this. I am finding it very heavy-going, except for the descriptions of travels! It tells the tale of young and ambitious Amineh’s marriage to Farzad, who is much older and enigmatic. He works for a disarmament group and Amineh attempts to help him, without much luck. Unlike the other reviewers, I didn’t mind the first part of the book and the section about the Revolution is interesting, but I doubt that I will finish it. ( )
  historyhound7 | Jun 19, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I was super looking forward to learning more about Iranian activism, but unfortunately the writing here is very unpolished. The dialogue is stilted and awkward, the framing entirely telling with no showing, and I think it needed more editing. Additionally, this is my fault but, I was hoping to reading an Own Voices situation, but the author is not Iranian. I should have vetted better. But, bad writing + not an own voices = moving on to better written books.
  FieldsLibrary | May 3, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This was very slow to start with but I liked the way she put her heart on the page. It really sped up towards the end and I felt cheated that this final section was rushed. I felt it a bit unbelievable that she and her 7 year old sun would jump into the cold north sea, but I do see it symbolised a new birth. An insight to what life was like at that time there
  LizStevens | Feb 25, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
A novel of the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the country's politics afterward. The protagonist. Amineh, is a young university student in 1977, she marries a somewhat older man and they have two children. They struggle to come to terms with the new regime. We follow her life through 1998 when she is forced to leave Iran.

I struggled a bit in the early chapters where there were a lot of flashbacks to Aminah's childhood. Then I found the rhythm of story and the spirit of the many well drawn characters. Because Amineh's husband is very involved in a small international anti-nuclear arms group this issue sometimes overshadows the other issues going on in the fundamentalist regime, particularly the status of women. This causes conflict in the marriage and this is one of the main themes of the novel. A well written tale with good descriptions of the landscape and culture of Iran. I've read several novels set in and around The Revolution and this is one of the best.

( )
  seeword | Jan 21, 2024 |
“And then she added that nothing was too lowly to feel love and to be made better by it.”

I adored this book! This beautifully written story was well thought out and researched, rich in history and culture, and engaging from start to finish. What resonated with me the most were the quiet scenes, which provided time for contemplation and reflection. These moments allowed me to establish a deeper connection with the characters, feel their emotions, and be transported into their world.

The characters were well-drawn, and the author's ability to delve deep into the innermost thoughts and feelings of her characters is admirable. I especially loved Jalalod-Din for his wisdom, kindness, and the joyful way he engages with life. Amineh, the main character, is intelligent, strong, determined, and caring. I was fully invested in her story and her journey of self-discovery. It was relatable and inspiring, and it will make you reflect on your own life.

“How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all of its beauty? It felt the encouragement of light against its being.”

This was such a great debut novel! I highly recommend this wonderful story about love, sacrifice, hope, and the remarkable strength of the human spirit. It's a true masterpiece that will stay with you for a long time.

Thank you, BookishFirst, NetGalley, the publisher Alder House Books, and author Nadine Bjursten for the gifted copy! I received a free copy of this book, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ( )
  thehungrymoth | Jan 21, 2024 |
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“What was said to the rose that made it open was said to me here in my chest.”

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To all the activists in Iran and the world trying to save us from ourselves.

To Siri and Nora. You will find that most things in life are more complicated than they appear, yet I wish you many simple, beautiful moments. May you always remember your hearts.
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Amineh's mother used to say that their damask rose, which had made her family farm famous, was poetry come to life—not ordinary poetry but the kind that sprang from Rumi or Hāfez, the kind that didn't merely touch heaven but was it.
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Nadine Bjurstens Buch Half a Cup of Sand and Sky wurde im Frührezensenten-Programm LibraryThing Early Reviewers angeboten.

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