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The Second Coming

von Garth Risk Hallberg

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282863,277 (4.13)2
"When 13-year-old Jolie Aspern drops her phone onto the subway tracks in the springtime of 2011, how can she imagine it might bring her estranged dad, Ethan, crashing back into her life? Ethan is an ex-con and recovering addict who even in his more honest moments has difficulty seeing outside himself. But now he's starting to fear that Jolie's in the kind of trouble her mom, Sarah, could never understand. Convinced that he is the only one who can save her, he decides to offer up for Jolie the whole of his life, its hard-won achievements and most harrowing mistakes - in hope of breaking through. So begins the doubled journey of Jolie and Ethan: child and adult, apart and together, different yet the same. Their story as it unfolds will test Jolie's bond with her grandparents and Ethan's with his sister. It will forge unlikely alliances with a smooth-talking teacher and a doubt-filled probation officer. It will confront father and daughter with the turbulence of youthful romance (Jolie's with a mysterious admirer; Ethan's with Sarah herself). And around each bend, new vistas beckon: from group therapy in recession-era Bellevue to a mid-'90s Howard Johnson on Maryland's Eastern Shore, from the world of fading surf breaks to the heights of the Brooklyn Bridge and beyond. The Second Coming is an utterly timely work of fiction that explores an enduring mystery: whether we can ever really outrun the past, if it's possible to hold onto what anchors us while still chasing something new. Full of compassion, full of music and intimacy-full of blues-this beautifully attuned novel renews the extraordinary promise of this writer's "boundless and unflagging talents" (Michiko Kakutani, New York Times)"--… (mehr)
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*a powerfully written novel, easy to read
*very strong character development
*told with wrenching emotion
*highly recommend ( )
  BridgetteS | Jun 1, 2024 |
The Second Coming by Garth Risk Hallberg is a recommended family drama that examines the minutiae regarding the broken relationship and lives of a father and his teenage daughter.

In 2011 thirteen-year-old Jolie Aspern drops her phone onto the subway tracks and has a near-miss with a subway train when she jumps down to recover it. The thoughtless act was likely due to her drinking, but she is having other emotional issues. It does bring her estranged father back into her life. Her father, Ethan Aspern is a recovering addict and convicted felon. He believes he can help her navigate her problems and set her straight so he returns home to NYC.

The narrative negotiates between multiple time periods and perspectives including the present and in flashbacks following Ethan's relationship with Jolie's mother, Sarah Kupferberg, relationships with parents, his addiction and more. There are many, many details and emotional insights into the characters. There are many keen insights into the raw emotions of both father and daughter, who share, in part, a bond over anxiety and addiction.

But the novel itself is just too, too much. Too full of elaborate prose, too meandering, too long, too expansive, too detailed, too emotional, too overworked, too slow paced, and, well, you get my point. From the synopsis, this is seemingly a novel I would normally relish. Instead it felt like I slogged through it, starting and stopping while losing interest in the characters or the plot. Tighten it up, refine the focus, pick up the pacing, and make us care about these characters. Thanks to Knopf for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion. ( )
  SheTreadsSoftly | May 11, 2024 |
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"When 13-year-old Jolie Aspern drops her phone onto the subway tracks in the springtime of 2011, how can she imagine it might bring her estranged dad, Ethan, crashing back into her life? Ethan is an ex-con and recovering addict who even in his more honest moments has difficulty seeing outside himself. But now he's starting to fear that Jolie's in the kind of trouble her mom, Sarah, could never understand. Convinced that he is the only one who can save her, he decides to offer up for Jolie the whole of his life, its hard-won achievements and most harrowing mistakes - in hope of breaking through. So begins the doubled journey of Jolie and Ethan: child and adult, apart and together, different yet the same. Their story as it unfolds will test Jolie's bond with her grandparents and Ethan's with his sister. It will forge unlikely alliances with a smooth-talking teacher and a doubt-filled probation officer. It will confront father and daughter with the turbulence of youthful romance (Jolie's with a mysterious admirer; Ethan's with Sarah herself). And around each bend, new vistas beckon: from group therapy in recession-era Bellevue to a mid-'90s Howard Johnson on Maryland's Eastern Shore, from the world of fading surf breaks to the heights of the Brooklyn Bridge and beyond. The Second Coming is an utterly timely work of fiction that explores an enduring mystery: whether we can ever really outrun the past, if it's possible to hold onto what anchors us while still chasing something new. Full of compassion, full of music and intimacy-full of blues-this beautifully attuned novel renews the extraordinary promise of this writer's "boundless and unflagging talents" (Michiko Kakutani, New York Times)"--

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