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Something Borrowed, Something 90% Dark

von Amber Royer

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Felicity Koerber's bean to bar chocolate shop on Galveston's historic Strand is hosting the friends and family coming into town for her best friend Autumn's wedding. As matron of honor, Felicity has a ton of tasks to complete - including making chocolates for the gift bags. She doesn't have time to solve another murder. But when one of the bridesmaids becomes a prime suspect in the death of a visiting real estate agent, Felicity has to put her detecting skills to use again to keep the wedding plans from getting derailed. She's already nervous about the impeding deadline she's given herself to finally choose between her two love interests - and figuring where life goes once she makes her choice. But add in a missing pigmy goat and a new coffee shop that wants to partner with her, and she's frazzled. She begins to discover that not everything is as it seems among the wedding guests. Can she handle the wedding preparations, pull off turning her shop into a concert venue, and unmask the killer - before anyone else dies?… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonJKJ94, HeatherMac51, marytblogs
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This is the first book I have read by this author, and I found it to be okay. The book just seemed to have so much that was going on that I kept having to flip back through my Kindle. Princess Buttercup ended up being my favorite character.

Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. ( )
  JKJ94 | Oct 1, 2023 |
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Felicity Koerber's bean to bar chocolate shop on Galveston's historic Strand is hosting the friends and family coming into town for her best friend Autumn's wedding. As matron of honor, Felicity has a ton of tasks to complete - including making chocolates for the gift bags. She doesn't have time to solve another murder. But when one of the bridesmaids becomes a prime suspect in the death of a visiting real estate agent, Felicity has to put her detecting skills to use again to keep the wedding plans from getting derailed. She's already nervous about the impeding deadline she's given herself to finally choose between her two love interests - and figuring where life goes once she makes her choice. But add in a missing pigmy goat and a new coffee shop that wants to partner with her, and she's frazzled. She begins to discover that not everything is as it seems among the wedding guests. Can she handle the wedding preparations, pull off turning her shop into a concert venue, and unmask the killer - before anyone else dies?

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