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Faebound (2024)

von Saara El-Arifi

Reihen: Faebound (1)

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396367,311 (3.96)Keine
Fantasy. Fiction. African American Fiction. Thriller. HTML:Two elven sisters become imprisoned in the intoxicating world of the fae, where danger and love lie in wait. Faebound is the first book in an enchanting new trilogy from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Final Strife.
“A romantic fantasy of epic proportions, crackling with magic and passion.”—Samantha Shannon, bestselling author of The Priory of the Orange Tree

Yeeran was born on the battlefield, has lived on the battlefield, and one day, she knows, she’ll die on the battlefield.
As a warrior in the elven army, Yeeran has known nothing but violence her whole life. Her sister, Lettle, is trying to make a living as a diviner, seeking prophecies of a better future.
When a fatal mistake leads to Yeeran’s exile from the Elven Lands, both sisters are forced into the terrifying wilderness beyond their borders. 
There they encounter the impossible: the fae court. The fae haven’t been seen for a millennium. But now Yeeran and Lettle are thrust into their seductive world, torn among their loyalties to each other, their elven homeland, and their hearts.
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DNF & 79pages.

I just didn’t like this.
Main two characters are unlikeable - Lettel treats Rayan like shit and her sister thinks murdering an endangered animal will bring her glory.
Didn’t like the treatment of animals, the heavy military feel, forced child conscription or the initial established unbalanced-power dynamic relationship.
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
When I saw I got an advanced copy of this I about jumped around my classroom(teacher). It is worth all the hype and I am not even that far in yet. Not only will I finish reading this but I am ordering my own copy!!! The cover is beautiful! The concept I love! I would not be surprised if this book doesn't make all the fantasy lists of the year! ( )
  amethystangel777 | Feb 28, 2024 |
TW/CW: Sex, murder, death, violence


REVIEW: I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley and Del Rey books and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

Faebound is the first in a series of fantasy novels by Saara El-Arifi, author of the Final Strife trilogy. It follows the two sisters Yeeran and Lettle, who because of a mistake on the battlefield find themselves in exile outside of any land they have ever known. It is then that they run across a people that they were unaware still existed, and who turn their lives and beliefs upside down.

This is an excellent book. Having read the first two books in The Final Strife, I wasn’t surprised by this at all, but I think that this book might even be better than those. I love El-Arifi’s world building, which really does create a whole new culture in your mind as you read. I love the casual way she treats LGBTQIA+ relationships, like they are healthy and normal (the way they SHOULD be portrayed). I love the fact that her characters are mainly black and brown, because there isn’t nearly enough of that in fantasy. Although the vast majority of this book takes place in a small physical space, that doesn’t make it any less interesting or exciting, which I think takes a lot of skill.

I am very much looking forward to reading El-Arifi’s future books – of which I hope there are many – and I highly recommend this book! ( )
  Anniik | Feb 6, 2024 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. African American Fiction. Thriller. HTML:Two elven sisters become imprisoned in the intoxicating world of the fae, where danger and love lie in wait. Faebound is the first book in an enchanting new trilogy from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Final Strife.
“A romantic fantasy of epic proportions, crackling with magic and passion.”—Samantha Shannon, bestselling author of The Priory of the Orange Tree

Yeeran was born on the battlefield, has lived on the battlefield, and one day, she knows, she’ll die on the battlefield.
As a warrior in the elven army, Yeeran has known nothing but violence her whole life. Her sister, Lettle, is trying to make a living as a diviner, seeking prophecies of a better future.
When a fatal mistake leads to Yeeran’s exile from the Elven Lands, both sisters are forced into the terrifying wilderness beyond their borders. 
There they encounter the impossible: the fae court. The fae haven’t been seen for a millennium. But now Yeeran and Lettle are thrust into their seductive world, torn among their loyalties to each other, their elven homeland, and their hearts.

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