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Last Seen

von Matt Cohen

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531502,248 (3.46)5
Last Seen, Matt Cohen's second-to-last novel, was a finalist for the Governor General's Award for Fiction and the Trillium Award. This audiobook edition, narrated by R.H. Thompson, is a darkly comic story of two brothers and a woman who brings them both back to life. Harold, the older brother, is handsome and charming but dying of cancer. Alex is bookish and a scholar in Europe. With Francine, a nurse they both once loved, Alec cares for Harold until he dies. One day, Alec goes into a bar full of Elvis impersonators and there meets Francine -- and Harold. Why has Harold come back from the dead? Last Seen demonstrates that it takes more than death to untie the knot between two brothers.… (mehr)
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This is the story of Alec, who is trying to cope with the death of his younger brother, Harold. After Harold dies of cancer, Alec believes he sees him at "Club Elvis", where Elvis impersonators perform. The story is told in the present, in flashbacks, and sometimes the reader isn't sure what's real and what's in Alec's imagination. It made following the story a bit confusing, but I came to appreciate that my confusion gave me greater empathy for Alec as a character, who was going through similar (and deeper) experiences. ( )
1 abstimmen LynnB | Oct 19, 2008 |
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Last Seen, Matt Cohen's second-to-last novel, was a finalist for the Governor General's Award for Fiction and the Trillium Award. This audiobook edition, narrated by R.H. Thompson, is a darkly comic story of two brothers and a woman who brings them both back to life. Harold, the older brother, is handsome and charming but dying of cancer. Alex is bookish and a scholar in Europe. With Francine, a nurse they both once loved, Alec cares for Harold until he dies. One day, Alec goes into a bar full of Elvis impersonators and there meets Francine -- and Harold. Why has Harold come back from the dead? Last Seen demonstrates that it takes more than death to untie the knot between two brothers.

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