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No Safe Haven: A gripping, twisty tale of loyalty and survival

von LK Chapman

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Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonurutherford

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There's a lot packed into this story but it's not a difficult read. There's a mere double handful of characters, some of whom we only know about from hearsay. The plot unfolds gently with many journeys back in time. But not in a jolting jump from present to past and back again. Instead, the protagonist, Poppy, gradually reveals the events of the last 17 years to her previously estranged friends.

Sisters Harriet and Jessica offer Poppy their hospitality and practical help but both Poppy and the reader often ponder whether each of them have hidden motives and private agendas. Jessica, especially, often behaves unpredictably. The beauty of this is that it causes each nuance of the dialogue to be examined, suspiciously. I red-herringed myself several times but I couldn't accuse L.K. Chapman of leading me astray - I really did it all by myself! Clever stuff!

Due to having a bout of ill-health I had to set the novel aside for a few weeks. When I came back to it I was surprised to find I could just pick it straight back up. The plot and characters were still clear in my mind.

The pace is deceptively rapid considering most of the settings are domestic. There is plenty of drama as well as the difficulties of single mothers raising their sons. The denouement took my breath away. I went back and reread it only to find it really was consistent with everything the author had previously outlined. I thoroughly enjoyed No Safe Haven and was very impressed. I'll try more of her novels. ( )
  urutherford | Oct 29, 2023 |
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