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Donald Judd: The Complete Writings 1959-1975

von Donald Judd

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Donald Judd's uncompromising art reviews avoid the familiar generalizations so often associated with the styles emerging during the 1950s and 1960s. This book is not a mere survey of the art produced and exhibited during that period. Instead, Judd discusses in detail the work of more than five hundred artists showing in New York at that time and provides a critical account of this significant era in American art. While addressing the social and political ramifications of art production, the writings focus on the work of Jackson Pollock, Kasimir Malevich, Barnett Newman, Ad Reinhardt, John Chamberlain, Larry Poons, Kenneth Noland, and Claes Oldenburg. The essay "Specific Objects" (1965), which by now has to be considered as one of the essential discussions of sculptural thought in the 1960s, is included, as well as Judd's notorious polemical essay, "Imperialism, Nationalism, Regionalism" (1975), published here for the first time. Three hundred reproductions as well as an extensive index accompany the text.… (mehr)
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1 1975 hardcover inscribed "For Frances Don 23 July 82" & 1 softcover [0888842775]; 1 2005 softcover [0919616429]; 1 softcover Judd Fdn Gift [9781938922930]
  FJC-DPW.Collection | May 26, 2023 |
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Donald Judd's uncompromising art reviews avoid the familiar generalizations so often associated with the styles emerging during the 1950s and 1960s. This book is not a mere survey of the art produced and exhibited during that period. Instead, Judd discusses in detail the work of more than five hundred artists showing in New York at that time and provides a critical account of this significant era in American art. While addressing the social and political ramifications of art production, the writings focus on the work of Jackson Pollock, Kasimir Malevich, Barnett Newman, Ad Reinhardt, John Chamberlain, Larry Poons, Kenneth Noland, and Claes Oldenburg. The essay "Specific Objects" (1965), which by now has to be considered as one of the essential discussions of sculptural thought in the 1960s, is included, as well as Judd's notorious polemical essay, "Imperialism, Nationalism, Regionalism" (1975), published here for the first time. Three hundred reproductions as well as an extensive index accompany the text.

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