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Bitter Is the Heart: A Novel

von Mina Hardy

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Haunted by childhood abuse, a woman is forced to care for her cruel elderly mother in this electrifying horror novel exploring generational trauma, perfect for fans of Cassandra Khaw and T. Kingfisher. Tamar Glass fled an abusive mother when she was eighteen, running away from home to find a better life elsewhere. She has lived in freedom from her mother, Ruth, for decades, until one night she wakes to find her now-elderly mother standing over her bed, disoriented and confused.  When Tamar reluctantly takes in her mother, strange events start happening inside her home: the house becomes oppressively hot, lights flicker, and cupboards open and shut on their own. Whispers filter beneath her bedroom door. Tamar learns that Ruth has been kicked out of her assisted living home, and other facilities refuse to house her and endanger their own residents. Tamar has spent years suppressing her childhood trauma, but it comes rushing back with each strange event in her home. As Tamar copes with their disturbing past, which her mother stubbornly refuses to admit to, she can't shake the feeling that there's something worse than her mother lurking in the shadows. Perfect for fans of The Haunting of Hill House, this terrifying novel unravels one dark strand at a time.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonerinclark, theodarling
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This was a creepy, horrific, demonic story that I enjoyed every minute of. Tamar and her mother Ruth have never gotten along, in fact Ruth abused Tamar as a child emotionally and physically and when Tamar turned eighteen she left home for good. Years later Tamar is forced to return to care for Ruth who has been kicked out of her living facility due to very bad behavior. Tamar takes her in into her own home and things go from bad to worse as paranormal events escalate around Ruth and her horrible actions. I was intrigued by the demonic aspects of the story, how does one actually identify and vanquish evil. Tamar rises to the task. The mother daughter relationship was also crazy scary. Fans of horror will enjoy this delightfully creepy tale, I sure did. I listened to the audio version of the book and could not stop listening, the narrator was very good. Highly recommended. 4 stars.
May thanks to Net Galley and Dreamscape Media for a chance to listen to an audio version of this ARC novel. All opinions are my own. ( )
  erinclark | Sep 19, 2024 |
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Haunted by childhood abuse, a woman is forced to care for her cruel elderly mother in this electrifying horror novel exploring generational trauma, perfect for fans of Cassandra Khaw and T. Kingfisher. Tamar Glass fled an abusive mother when she was eighteen, running away from home to find a better life elsewhere. She has lived in freedom from her mother, Ruth, for decades, until one night she wakes to find her now-elderly mother standing over her bed, disoriented and confused.  When Tamar reluctantly takes in her mother, strange events start happening inside her home: the house becomes oppressively hot, lights flicker, and cupboards open and shut on their own. Whispers filter beneath her bedroom door. Tamar learns that Ruth has been kicked out of her assisted living home, and other facilities refuse to house her and endanger their own residents. Tamar has spent years suppressing her childhood trauma, but it comes rushing back with each strange event in her home. As Tamar copes with their disturbing past, which her mother stubbornly refuses to admit to, she can't shake the feeling that there's something worse than her mother lurking in the shadows. Perfect for fans of The Haunting of Hill House, this terrifying novel unravels one dark strand at a time.

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