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The Astrology House: A Novel

von Carinn Jade

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323773,413 (3.5)Keine
A group of wealthy Manhattanites escape to an astrology-themed retreat, where simmering resentments and long-held secrets lead to a shocking death in this fresh, twisty, and suspenseful debut in the vein of Liane Moriarty and Katy Hays. Margot needs a minute. She's been working eighty-hour weeks as a newly minted partner at her law firm. She's disconnected from her brother, the only family she has left. And she's still not pregnant after years of trying. Stars Harbor Astrological Retreat promises rest, relaxation, and wisdom for Margot and her friends. With Instagram-worthy views and nightly astrology readings in an impeccably restored waterfront Victorian house, this getaway should be nothing but idyllic fun. For Margot's brother, Adam, it's the perfect opportunity to rekindle the romance that fuels his writing. But his wife, Aimee, hides the darkness of her past with a beautiful social media feed. Their friend, Farah, is a successful doctor who cannot admit that she's losing control. Yet no one holds a greater secret than their astrologer host, Rini. She has a plan for all of her guests, and one of them won't be leaving Stars Harbor alive.… (mehr)
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Entertaining suspense thriller.

The 4 couples and friends just wanted a fun weekend away and Stars Harbor Astrological Retreat sounds like a lovely place for them to hang out. Farrah and Joe, Aimee and Adam, Eden and Rick, and Margot and Ted are not that big into astrology but are quite surprised by some of the revelations they experience when Rini starts doing their readings. Lots of the usual secrets and lies that are just lurking and ready to bust out.

Sounds like many of these people have things they don’t want to come out and, what a surprise, Rini has her own agenda. And then, the hurricane.

This was fun and fast and quite predictable with all the couples at the retreat. The narrative alternates points of view so the reader knows what each is thinking and feeling. I liked some of the characters more than others and the conclusion was not really unexpected as I had anticipated that turn of events. I guess you can never really know anyone as well as you think or hope.

I don’t know much about astrology other than basic zodiac signs so that part was quite interesting and made me actually want to look up my own chart. Alas, no Rini here to interpret for me!

I listened to the audiobook while following along in the e-book ARC provided by the publisher. I liked that the production had a large cast so as to make the voices and personalities distinct. I definitely liked some of the voices more than others. But, as always, the dual approach made me enjoy the novel that much more. ( )
  CelticLibrarian | Aug 7, 2024 |
“This weekend there will be surprises, even for those who don’t believe. You can’t control the people around you. These readings will conjure unexpected emotions, unforeseen actions, and even more shocking reactions. This is a normal result of that which is buried rising to the surface. Some of you will feel blindsided, while others will feel vindicated. This is your fate.”

Eight wealthy Manhattanites, each dealing with their problems and harboring secrets, hope to unwind, disconnect, reconnect and find some peace of mind with the help of Rini, resident astrologist and owner of Stars Harbor Astrological Retreat in Long Island, over a weekend. The four couples are known to one another, but little did they expect that the idyllic weekend would not only expose the dysfunctional relationships and secrets between spouses, siblings and trusted friends but also lead to revelations that could potentially fracture these relationships beyond repair. Was the weekend deliberately designed to wreak havoc in their lives? What is Rini’s agenda? Are they being manipulated or is someone among them responsible for the strange events? Chaos ensues as the group is trapped due to inclement weather.

“You get what you get and you don’t get upset.”

I was intrigued by the premise of The Astrology House by Carinn Jade, I found the concept of an astrology-guided retreat really interesting and loved how the author incorporated the astrology aspect into the narrative. I also enjoyed the suspenseful, claustrophobic vibe, the setting and the description of the old Victorian house and the rooms. The novel features a large cast of characters but is skillfully structured such that it is not difficult to follow who is who and how they are connected. The narrative, which flows well, is shared from multiple first-person POVs, which gives us a well-rounded picture of the events that gradually unfold. Though the pacing is a tad uneven, the author injects enough twists and surprises to keep you engaged. The climax is truly shocking.

Barring Rini, I didn’t find any of the characters particularly interesting, though each of the characters was well-fleshed out, complex and flawed, which definitely contributed to the drama. However, the drama did get a tad too soapy for my liking, and I thought the author piled on more than was required in this aspect, especially for a novel in the mystery/thriller genre.

However, overall, I did find this to be a promising debut novel and I look forward to reading more from this promising new author in the future.

Many thanks to Atria Books for the digital review copy via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. ( )
  srms.reads | Jul 22, 2024 |
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A group of wealthy Manhattanites escape to an astrology-themed retreat, where simmering resentments and long-held secrets lead to a shocking death in this fresh, twisty, and suspenseful debut in the vein of Liane Moriarty and Katy Hays. Margot needs a minute. She's been working eighty-hour weeks as a newly minted partner at her law firm. She's disconnected from her brother, the only family she has left. And she's still not pregnant after years of trying. Stars Harbor Astrological Retreat promises rest, relaxation, and wisdom for Margot and her friends. With Instagram-worthy views and nightly astrology readings in an impeccably restored waterfront Victorian house, this getaway should be nothing but idyllic fun. For Margot's brother, Adam, it's the perfect opportunity to rekindle the romance that fuels his writing. But his wife, Aimee, hides the darkness of her past with a beautiful social media feed. Their friend, Farah, is a successful doctor who cannot admit that she's losing control. Yet no one holds a greater secret than their astrologer host, Rini. She has a plan for all of her guests, and one of them won't be leaving Stars Harbor alive.

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