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You're the Problem, It's You

von Emma R. Alban

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The enemies-to-lovers queer Victorian romance follow-up to Don't Want You Like a Best Friend, in which a young lord and a second son clash, but find themselves thrust together again and again by their meddling cousins. "That man is, without a doubt, the absolute most obnoxious... Bobby Mason is sick of being second best: born the spare, never trusted with family responsibility, never expected to amount to much. He's hungry to contribute something that matters, while all around him his peers are squandering their political and financial power, coasting through life. Which is exactly why he can't stand the new Viscount Demeroven. ...insufferable... James Demeroven, just come of age and into the Viscountcy, knows that he's a disappointment. Keeping his head down and never raising anyone's expectations is how he's survived life with his stepfather. To quiet, careful James, Bobby Mason is a blazing comet in his endless night, even more alive than he was at Oxford when James crushed on him from afar. But Mason is also brash and recklessly unapologetic, destined to shatter the fragile safety of James's world. Worst of all, he keeps rubbing James's failures in his face. ...hottest man to ever walk the ton." They can barely get through a single conversation without tensions boiling over. Neither Bobby nor James has ever met a more intriguing, infuriating, infatuating man. If only they could avoid each other entirely. Bad enough their (wonderful but determined) cousins Beth and Gwen keep conveniently setting up group outings. But when an extortionist starts targeting their families, threatening their reputations, Bobby and James must find a way to work together, without pushing each other's buttons (or tearing them off) in the process... … (mehr)
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I didn't love this as much as the first book, but I think that's because I don't love the enemies-to-lovers trope. I did love the characters -- Bobby and James and the whole extended family (the good ones), and I love love love queer characters succeeding at found family and setting up safety for themselves. Very satisfying on that front. The one note that really felt off was the wedding scene -- is this supposed to be Victorian? Somehow I thought it was meant to be earlier, and the costumes described were really off for me. Especially given that there's a photographer? Eh, ok, I think it works as late Victorian. Anyway -- it is exactly as advertised, and that's sweet and infuriating and full of people fighting to care for each other.

Advanced Reader's Copy provided by Edelweiss. ( )
  jennybeast | Jan 31, 2024 |
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The enemies-to-lovers queer Victorian romance follow-up to Don't Want You Like a Best Friend, in which a young lord and a second son clash, but find themselves thrust together again and again by their meddling cousins. "That man is, without a doubt, the absolute most obnoxious... Bobby Mason is sick of being second best: born the spare, never trusted with family responsibility, never expected to amount to much. He's hungry to contribute something that matters, while all around him his peers are squandering their political and financial power, coasting through life. Which is exactly why he can't stand the new Viscount Demeroven. ...insufferable... James Demeroven, just come of age and into the Viscountcy, knows that he's a disappointment. Keeping his head down and never raising anyone's expectations is how he's survived life with his stepfather. To quiet, careful James, Bobby Mason is a blazing comet in his endless night, even more alive than he was at Oxford when James crushed on him from afar. But Mason is also brash and recklessly unapologetic, destined to shatter the fragile safety of James's world. Worst of all, he keeps rubbing James's failures in his face. ...hottest man to ever walk the ton." They can barely get through a single conversation without tensions boiling over. Neither Bobby nor James has ever met a more intriguing, infuriating, infatuating man. If only they could avoid each other entirely. Bad enough their (wonderful but determined) cousins Beth and Gwen keep conveniently setting up group outings. But when an extortionist starts targeting their families, threatening their reputations, Bobby and James must find a way to work together, without pushing each other's buttons (or tearing them off) in the process... 

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