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The Road to Poverty: The Making of Wealth and Hardship in Appalachia

von Dwight B. Billings

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Kathleen Blee and Dwight Billings examine the social dynamics of persistently poor rural communities through the history of Clay County, an especially poor section of the Eastern Kentucky mountains in Appalachia. The authors uncover the systemic problems and patterns of low income by tracing its socio-cultural, economic, and political development of Clay County from its earliest non-native settlement and agricultural development, to the advent of the coal industry, to the present day. This study of the long-term, institutional basis of rural poverty contains some fascinating, new local historical detail, based upon the authors' meticulous archival research. This book makes an important contribution to basic research on inequality - pointing to the shortcomings of treating symptomatic problems of low income, while failing to address systemic ones - at a time when American policymakers are struggling to design and implement effective programs to move people from welfare to work.… (mehr)
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We talk quite a bit about poverty and economic disparity in the U.S., but this is one of the few books that takes an in-depth view of the problem. This book is unique in that it combines 100 years of longitudinal social science with the history of Clay County, Kentucky in order to paint a picture of the forces that have helped drive Appalachia's economic distress. There are two elements to note: While the book is steeped in science, the writing is narrative. The authors do an excellent job of weaving the history of Clay County with the social science that backs up their findings.; and The book doesn't paint black-and-white portraits of the issues. Instead the authors explain how the forces at work against Appalachia have grown and shifted, and why those forces developed. This isn't a book that sets out with an agenda to vilify.

If you're interested in Appalachia, social science, American history, or poverty, this book will keep you enthralled. ( )
  thebradking | Feb 22, 2014 |
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Kathleen Blee and Dwight Billings examine the social dynamics of persistently poor rural communities through the history of Clay County, an especially poor section of the Eastern Kentucky mountains in Appalachia. The authors uncover the systemic problems and patterns of low income by tracing its socio-cultural, economic, and political development of Clay County from its earliest non-native settlement and agricultural development, to the advent of the coal industry, to the present day. This study of the long-term, institutional basis of rural poverty contains some fascinating, new local historical detail, based upon the authors' meticulous archival research. This book makes an important contribution to basic research on inequality - pointing to the shortcomings of treating symptomatic problems of low income, while failing to address systemic ones - at a time when American policymakers are struggling to design and implement effective programs to move people from welfare to work.

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