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Do You Have the Courage to Be You? 10th Anniversary Edition: A Guide to Discover Your Unique Identity and World-changing Destiny

von Jenny Williamson

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Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonPattiP1992, Harley0326

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Do You Have the Courage to Be You? by Jenny Williamson is Nonfiction. It is a Christian Living, Personal Memoir, and personal Growth book. From the moment I started reading, I felt drawn in by the author’s words. This book illustrates how God can take you from an ordinary existence to do extraordinary work for His kingdom.

She causes us to recognize how we buy into lies about ourselves instead of being who God called us to be. But by stepping out in courage, we can become who God desires us to be.

So, if you are looking for Nonfiction? Christian Living/Personal Memoirs/Personal Growth, check out Do You Have the Courage to Be You? by Jenny Williamson.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own. ( )
  PattiP1992 | May 14, 2024 |
I loved this book and how the author through grace and truth leads readers to believe they are here for a reason. The enemy for years had me believing I wasn’t good enough. Finding my way I now know that I am someone who God loves unconditionally. Stepping out in faith I find myself enjoying serving in church again. For a long time I allowed the enemy to tell me I wasn’t needed and had no talents to give. Let me shout this to the world, “We all have gifts that God wants us to use.”

As I have become older I face a new phase in my life. It has made me realize that I need to almost have an urgency to share God with others, enjoy my life to the fullest and reach out to others who may be hurting or feeling alone.

The book was very eye opening to me as I discovered there are still things I need to work on. I have always struggled with rejection. My need to be accepted overwhelms me at times. The author helps me see that I have already been accepted by God. He is the one I want to please. With Him I have confidence and am now able to share with others my journey to finally be me.

“Unfortunately you cannot do what you were created to do until you know who you were created to be.”

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. ( )
  Harley0326 | May 12, 2024 |
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