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Garcia : An American Life

von Blair Jackson

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1702166,288 (3.77)3
He was there when Dylan went electric, when a generation danced naked at Woodstock, and when Ken Kesey started experimenting with acid. Jerry Garcia was one of the most gifted musicians of all time, and he was a member of one of the most worshiped rock 'n' roll bands in history. Now, Blair Jackson, who covered the Grateful Dead for twenty-five years, gives us an unparalleled portrait of Garcia--the musical genius, the brilliant songwriter, and ultimately, the tortured soul plagued by his own addiction. With more than forty photographs, many of them previously unpublished, Garcia: An American Life is the ultimate tribute to the man who, Bob Dylan said, "had no equal."… (mehr)
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This book looks like I've read it, but glancing through, I don't remember anything about the text. And it's just been a few years! Ok, it's on my to-read list.
  wickenden | Mar 8, 2021 |
I read this concurrently with "A Long, Strange Trip" by Dennis McNally. Of the two books, this one may be slightly more breathlessly idolatrous, but they're both written by insiders, and thus, true believers. (Full disclosure: I attended about 24 GD shows between the years 1972 and 1981.) Also, the account of certain events in GD history are not consistent between the two books.

Since this one concentrates on Garcia, you get a much better idea of how this tremendous engine of creativity affected the lives of the other band members, inside and outside of music. You also get somewhat of a feel for JG's shortcomings in his relations with wives, girlfriends, daughters, and fellow musicians, but somehow I felt that we aren't given the full story.

It's also kind of annoying to hear BJ pronounce JG's playing "brilliant" at certain concerts late in his life, when I could easily listen to those on-line and come away with a much, much different take. Maybe brilliant in comparison with the many dismal shows during those years, but his playing and singing obviously peaked much sooner.

It's probably an unintentional effect, but I came away with a definite disappointment in the people around JG. I think it's too self-serving to say that he was going to do what he wanted -- there are examples of how controlling people like Manasha and Deborah dictated to Jerry. There were people around him who could have helped the guy, but that whole "let everyone do their own thing" and "don't be uncool" mindset wasn't going to help. Even with those around him who said "we really tried" aren't very specific. ( )
  nog | Aug 23, 2015 |
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He was there when Dylan went electric, when a generation danced naked at Woodstock, and when Ken Kesey started experimenting with acid. Jerry Garcia was one of the most gifted musicians of all time, and he was a member of one of the most worshiped rock 'n' roll bands in history. Now, Blair Jackson, who covered the Grateful Dead for twenty-five years, gives us an unparalleled portrait of Garcia--the musical genius, the brilliant songwriter, and ultimately, the tortured soul plagued by his own addiction. With more than forty photographs, many of them previously unpublished, Garcia: An American Life is the ultimate tribute to the man who, Bob Dylan said, "had no equal."

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