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Collins Gem SAS Self-Defence

von Barry Davies

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371685,210 (3.38)1
A compact, practical manual of self-defence techniques based on those taught by the elite Special Air Service This Collins Gem is being reissued in flexibinding, providing the durability of a hardback with the flexibility of a paperback. The stylish new cover design will enliven this and 70 other bestselling Gems. Did you know that if you live in London you have a one-in-our chance of being attacked or your house burgled? Collins Gem SAS Self-Defence is a clear and concise guide to making sure that you can deal with a wide variety of circumstances and confrontations. General sections on fitness and the law lead into the basics of self-defence and using everyday objects as defensive weapons. Attacks on public transport, in your own car or by animals are all covered, as are sections on medical emergencies and tips especially for women to deal with the likes of gang attacks, stalking and malicious phonecalls. All defence techniques are illustrated with clear, step-by-step photographs and diagrams.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonJames67890, FinkDojo, BobUpBooks, R88, tompw, Service, Robin-n-Dora
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Not really sure why I bought this. I've never had the opportunity to practice any of the things it recommends. ( )
  John5918 | Aug 7, 2006 |
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A compact, practical manual of self-defence techniques based on those taught by the elite Special Air Service This Collins Gem is being reissued in flexibinding, providing the durability of a hardback with the flexibility of a paperback. The stylish new cover design will enliven this and 70 other bestselling Gems. Did you know that if you live in London you have a one-in-our chance of being attacked or your house burgled? Collins Gem SAS Self-Defence is a clear and concise guide to making sure that you can deal with a wide variety of circumstances and confrontations. General sections on fitness and the law lead into the basics of self-defence and using everyday objects as defensive weapons. Attacks on public transport, in your own car or by animals are all covered, as are sections on medical emergencies and tips especially for women to deal with the likes of gang attacks, stalking and malicious phonecalls. All defence techniques are illustrated with clear, step-by-step photographs and diagrams.

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