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On Second Glance: MIDWEST PHOTOGRAPHS (Visions of Illinois)

von Larry Kanfer

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Without the evident drama of treacherous glaciers or mountain peaks, the midwestern landscape may - on first glance - appear commonplace. But those who look again will find an uncommon beauty as eloquent as that of the highest waterfall. With this distinctive collection of photographs, Larry Kanfer uncovers anew the drama of the prairie's changing skies and seasons and celebrates the serene dignity of the Midwest. Elsewhere there are physical changes, states Kanfer, but here the changes are chronological. In my photographs I show time - seasonal change, the cycles of life. That's where the beauty lies. As in his highly acclaimed earlier collection, Prairiescapes, Kanfer presents his own unmistakable vision of the vast heartland. Karla Vallance on National Public Radio described Prairiescapes as capturing the uncelebrated fields and streams around the town where I grew up and turning the water of those ordinary places in mundane moments into the wine of art. His photographs are breathtaking in their amazing grace. Jonathan Yardley of the Washington Post Book World said, It may take a patient and discerning eye to find beauty in the flat landscape of the American prairie, but beauty is just what Larry Kanfer has found. With On Second Glance, Kanfer points as well to the overlooked details of the heartland. From Flatville to Foosland, from Santa Claus to Montezuma, Kanfer creates a remarkable portrayal of the working farmland of Illinois and Indiana. His photographs take on the seasonal splendors of sky and silo, of setting sun and rising grain. A compelling collection by one of the Midwest's finest landscape photographers, On Second Glance makes an elegant gift for anyone withfriends or memories in the heartland.… (mehr)
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“On Second Glance” continues Kanfer’s study of Prairie landscapes begun in “Prairiescapes.” I first “read” this book in 1995 and found it equally enjoyable “on [this] second glance.”

Aside from a two page forward and single page introduction the book consists of 79 full page prints. All are titled but appear without accompanying interpretation. The photos were taken almost exclusively in northern Illinois and Indiana.

Kanfer’s interpretation of the “prairie” is broad, including both the natural landscape as well as the man-made structures that exist on the prairie. These human creations are observable in almost all types of landscapes, so in that respect most of the photographs are not narrowly focused on the prairie. In fact, the focal point in almost all of Kanfer’s strongest images is a human-made artifact. Only a few images of the images I selected as favorites focus strongly on the natural land and human intervention is present even in those.

"On Second Glance" is well worth your "reading" so long as you do not expect to find a narrow focus on the prairie. ( )
  Tatoosh | Jul 5, 2017 |
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Without the evident drama of treacherous glaciers or mountain peaks, the midwestern landscape may - on first glance - appear commonplace. But those who look again will find an uncommon beauty as eloquent as that of the highest waterfall. With this distinctive collection of photographs, Larry Kanfer uncovers anew the drama of the prairie's changing skies and seasons and celebrates the serene dignity of the Midwest. Elsewhere there are physical changes, states Kanfer, but here the changes are chronological. In my photographs I show time - seasonal change, the cycles of life. That's where the beauty lies. As in his highly acclaimed earlier collection, Prairiescapes, Kanfer presents his own unmistakable vision of the vast heartland. Karla Vallance on National Public Radio described Prairiescapes as capturing the uncelebrated fields and streams around the town where I grew up and turning the water of those ordinary places in mundane moments into the wine of art. His photographs are breathtaking in their amazing grace. Jonathan Yardley of the Washington Post Book World said, It may take a patient and discerning eye to find beauty in the flat landscape of the American prairie, but beauty is just what Larry Kanfer has found. With On Second Glance, Kanfer points as well to the overlooked details of the heartland. From Flatville to Foosland, from Santa Claus to Montezuma, Kanfer creates a remarkable portrayal of the working farmland of Illinois and Indiana. His photographs take on the seasonal splendors of sky and silo, of setting sun and rising grain. A compelling collection by one of the Midwest's finest landscape photographers, On Second Glance makes an elegant gift for anyone withfriends or memories in the heartland.

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