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The Unexpected (Animorphs #44) von K.A.…
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The Unexpected (Animorphs #44) (2000. Auflage)

von K.A. Applegate (Autor)

Reihen: Animorphs (44)

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354674,666 (3.34)3
Cassie is on her own. There's no Jake to lead the mission. No Marco to tell stupid jokes. And no Rachel to say "Let's do it!" It's just Cassie. Alone. In Australia. It all began when the latest Animorphs' mission took a bad turn-and Cassie hid in the cargo hold of a jumbo jet. Unfortunately for her, that jet took off, bound for Australia. And what Cassie didn't realize was that the Yeerks were still on her trail-a lone "Andalite bandit" is a pretty hot target. Cassie ends up in the Australian Outback-with no friends to help her, and no knowledge of the terrain. Even worse, she doubts her survival skills are strong enough to get her back home. Especially when she notices someone else who's not exactly from the Outback. Visser Three. K.A. APPLEGATE is the author of the bestselling Animorphs series, as well as the Remnants and Everworld series, Home of the Brave, and the Roscoe Riley Rules series. She lives in Tiburon, California.… (mehr)
Titel:The Unexpected (Animorphs #44)
Autoren:K.A. Applegate (Autor)
Info:Scholastic Paperbacks (2000), 160 pages


The Unexpected von K. A. Applegate

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Falling for Yami was totally uncalled for.

Given that Cassie's misplaced priorities nearly always cause catastrophic problems it makes her that much less likable that she never questions them. So annoying. Yami and his uncles choose to fight for you to escape and you feel bad about it so you rush back into the fight.... Aii that does is now create a scenario where the they could die for nothing and the mission could still fail. All so you'll could ease your conscience. Selfishness disguised as moralizing, very familiar to a 2021 audience.

Give me a Marco or Rachel plot any day. ( )
  chuff | Feb 28, 2022 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Opening scene has the Animorphs involved in a shoot-out between a few Marines and a bunch of enemy Yeerk controllers at the airport, because a piece of wreckage from an alien fighter ship was found and who's going to have it. Cassie gets caught in the middle, nearly killed, escapes by morphing a fly and hiding in some luggage, winds up on a plane headed to Australia. The Yeerks attack and there's a crash and she's lost in the desert. She morphs again to escape safely, but is witnessed by an Aboriginal boy nearby. He's not at all surprised, because his traditional beliefs lead him to readily accept people having powers to change into animals. Really? This made me a bit uncomfortable. So. Cassie gets sheltered by the Aboriginal family, and makes a plan to get back home. The outstation radio was destroyed by Yeerks, so Cassie is going to travel as kangaroo overnight (too hot during the day, even as a native animal) to the nearest place where she can use a phone. But the boy's grandfather gets a leg injury that develops into a terrible infection alarmingly fast, and Cassie and the boy perform an amputation. Even for a sci-fi book in a series that really stretches reality, this was too much for me. There's other adults in the community, even one who is a healer- and it's two relatively inexperienced kids who perform an emergency operation? Um, no. Description of that was very unsettling, too.

At the end, Cassie has another confrontation with the enemy, who discovered her location and are going to wipe out all the innocent people there, unless she surrenders. She runs off in kangaroo form, hoping to lead them away. Finds a wild kangaroo mob and hides among them, the wild kangaroos and Cassie-kangaroo end up fighting Taxxons and Hork-bajir soldiers. A lot of this was just ridiculous scenarios.... I found the beginning escapade uninteresting (fight scenes bore me)- the story got far more interesting when Cassie landed in Australia, but then disappointing. I don't know very much about Aboriginal people, but the depiction of them in this book felt shallow. I did like reading about the kangaroos, their incredible stamina and defense abilities against predators.

The other good parts of this book were seeing Cassie on her own- having to quickly solve problems, escape the enemies, and finding it in her to actually kill a bunch of enemies when she had to. She was fairly resourceful once she figured out where she'd landed. And upon returning back home, there's some very nice moments between her and Jake, demonstrating how much they care for each other, how worried Jake was about her disappearance. The usual humor among the group when they're hanging out in the mall at the food court re-grouping now that Cassie's back with them.

from the Dogear Diary ( )
  jeane | Aug 9, 2020 |
The Unexpected Cassie ends up alone in Australia. She has to face the enemy. She acquires a Kangaroo morph. It is interesting how the Roos would lure their chasers to the water then turn on them and drown them. ( )
  nx74defiant | Dec 23, 2016 |
A short comment for every book of the series until I get a chance to re-read them. All three of my sons and I loved this series and read every single book - I even bought every single book (most, but not all, used; some through school book sales). I'm excited to re-read them to see how the five main characters develop and to watch all the different transformations again. ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
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The author wishes to thank Lisa Harkrader for her help in preparing this manuscript.
For Ashley and Austin
And for Michael and Jake
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Cassie is on her own. There's no Jake to lead the mission. No Marco to tell stupid jokes. And no Rachel to say "Let's do it!" It's just Cassie. Alone. In Australia. It all began when the latest Animorphs' mission took a bad turn-and Cassie hid in the cargo hold of a jumbo jet. Unfortunately for her, that jet took off, bound for Australia. And what Cassie didn't realize was that the Yeerks were still on her trail-a lone "Andalite bandit" is a pretty hot target. Cassie ends up in the Australian Outback-with no friends to help her, and no knowledge of the terrain. Even worse, she doubts her survival skills are strong enough to get her back home. Especially when she notices someone else who's not exactly from the Outback. Visser Three. K.A. APPLEGATE is the author of the bestselling Animorphs series, as well as the Remnants and Everworld series, Home of the Brave, and the Roscoe Riley Rules series. She lives in Tiburon, California.

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