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Cliffs of Despair: A Journey to the Edge

von Tom Hunt

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391655,423 (3.6)1
Beachy Head is a bit of quintessential England-a seaside promontory where green pastures roll to the edge of chalk cliffs, a place of sheep and wind and ineffable beauty. But it is also a major landmark on the map of self-inflicted death. Since 1965, some five hundred people have ended their lives by jumping or driving or simply walking off the 535-foot cliffs, making Beachy Head one of the most popular suicide spots in the world. And still they come, every week another one or two-the young and the old, the terminally ill and the vigorously healthy, the bereft, the insane, the despairing. Why here? Why so many? One chilly English spring, American writer and teacher Tom Hunt left his home and family and journeyed to this bucolic landscape to find out. In a narrative that seamlessly weaves together personal memoir, history, travelogue, and investigative journalism, Hunt recounts a season of disturbing revelations (including that Princess Diana allegedly came here intending to jump). Still reeling from a suicide in his own family, Hunt arrives in England obsessed with Beachy Head's grisly mystique, yet utterly unsure of what he would discover. Gradually, with typical English reserve, the people who haunt this extraordinary place release their secrets. Servers in the local tavern-known among residents as the Last Stop Pub-whisper about their encounters with hollow-eyed men and women in their final hours. The celebrated local witch asserts his belief that the place was once used for human sacrifice. The kindly coroner provides access to suicide notes, photographs, and the Sudden Death file. "It's a very cold solution," confides a wheelchair-bound ex-hippie who miraculously survived his own jump. In the course of wrenching interviews with bereft family members, watchful taxi drivers, and brave rescue workers, it dawns on Hunt that in each of us is a will to die every bit as tenacious and unyielding as the desire to live-and that Beachy Head stiffens and heightens this death wish. It's a stage that all but begs to be leapt from. A work of terrible sadness and harrowing revelations, Cliffs of Despair is the account of an unforgettable journey to a place where beauty and death collide.… (mehr)
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Every year approximately twenty people jump, run, fall, and crawl to their deaths at Beachy Head, East Sussex, England. It is so prevalent that the locals such as cab drivers, and those who work at the nearby bar are all on high alert for potential jumpers. At the top of Beachy Head is a phone to reach the Good Samaritans who are on call twenty four hours a day to talk potential jumpers out of harming themselves. The author's desire to examine the phenomenon of Beachy Head is driven in part by his own brother in law's suicide. This book is a fascinating if somewhat morbid look at suicide. Although locals are reluctant to talk about the grisly history of the area the author was able to interview many different people including the coroner, a man who survived his fall, and a grieving family left behind. All provide clues into the mindset of an extremely distraught individual who is able to go overcome inborn biological programming of self preservation in order to take their own life. Most affecting are the stories of people who decide to end their lives while taking their children over the edge with them. Since this book was written many more people have decided to end their lives at Beachy Head including a couple whose young son had recently passed away and they jumped with his body between them. Here is an updated article by the author of the book. It was nice to read that he has kept in touch and forged a relationship with Peter Cooper, a man who he interviewed in the book about his son's death at Beachy Head. here is a great you tube video showing Beachy Head and just how devastating a fall would be. Anyone interested in human psychology will find a lot to absorb in this tragic tale of Beachy Head. ( )
1 abstimmen arielfl | Dec 29, 2013 |
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Beachy Head is a bit of quintessential England-a seaside promontory where green pastures roll to the edge of chalk cliffs, a place of sheep and wind and ineffable beauty. But it is also a major landmark on the map of self-inflicted death. Since 1965, some five hundred people have ended their lives by jumping or driving or simply walking off the 535-foot cliffs, making Beachy Head one of the most popular suicide spots in the world. And still they come, every week another one or two-the young and the old, the terminally ill and the vigorously healthy, the bereft, the insane, the despairing. Why here? Why so many? One chilly English spring, American writer and teacher Tom Hunt left his home and family and journeyed to this bucolic landscape to find out. In a narrative that seamlessly weaves together personal memoir, history, travelogue, and investigative journalism, Hunt recounts a season of disturbing revelations (including that Princess Diana allegedly came here intending to jump). Still reeling from a suicide in his own family, Hunt arrives in England obsessed with Beachy Head's grisly mystique, yet utterly unsure of what he would discover. Gradually, with typical English reserve, the people who haunt this extraordinary place release their secrets. Servers in the local tavern-known among residents as the Last Stop Pub-whisper about their encounters with hollow-eyed men and women in their final hours. The celebrated local witch asserts his belief that the place was once used for human sacrifice. The kindly coroner provides access to suicide notes, photographs, and the Sudden Death file. "It's a very cold solution," confides a wheelchair-bound ex-hippie who miraculously survived his own jump. In the course of wrenching interviews with bereft family members, watchful taxi drivers, and brave rescue workers, it dawns on Hunt that in each of us is a will to die every bit as tenacious and unyielding as the desire to live-and that Beachy Head stiffens and heightens this death wish. It's a stage that all but begs to be leapt from. A work of terrible sadness and harrowing revelations, Cliffs of Despair is the account of an unforgettable journey to a place where beauty and death collide.

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